The black box is actually orange in color.

Source : Air Crash Investigation, National Geographic
The black box is actually orange in color.
Source : Air Crash Investigation, National Geographic
Thomas Edison experimented with 1,600 materials to obtain long-lasting filaments, and one of them was his friend’s beard.
Source : Seriuosly Amazing Objects, Global Trekker Channel
Jika bukan disebabkan rasa terancam atau panik, mereka sangat menghargai bisa yang tersimpan
Ini Kerana :-
1. Perlukan masa untuk menghasilkannya semula
2. Bagi memburu sesetengah haiwan untuk dijadikan makanan, bisa diperlukan untuk mengalahkan haiwan tersebut
3. Bisa adalah senjatan mempertahankan diri jika diserang musuh, kehilangan bisa boleh menyebabkan berisiko dimakan haiwan lain
4. Perlukan zat makanan untuk dihasilkan semula
5. Perlukan tenaga dalam menghasilkan bisa yang baru
In Terminator II (1991), Arnold Schwarzenegger was paid $21,500 for every word he spoke.
RM100,297.50 setiap perkataan (nilai tahun 2023)
Wakil Austria, Juara bina badan Mr Universe dan Mr Olympia.
38th Governor of California
Mr Universe & Mr Olympia representing Austria in bodybuilding competition
Gabenor California yang ke38
Source : ¹Majalah Mastika, Januari 2001
Refer to Mastika MegazineThe time of death in hospitals when the human body is at its weakest is said to be around 4 to 6 P.M, in another study said 3 – 4 A.M, other research found 2 A.M – 8 A.M and other 1300 – 1400 noon
Source : Majalah Mastika, Januari 2001 Read more : https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Frequency-of-deaths-according-to-the-hour-of-the-day_fig2_318252648
Nyamuk membunuh melalui Virus Denggi, Zika, Malaria, Chikungunya
The mosquito carries the dengue virus, Zika, Malaria. Chikungunya, Although it has a virus that can kill humans, this small insect doesn’t cause harm to itself
The wonders of Allah’s creations.
1. Hanya nyamuk betina membawa virus Denggi
There are over 3,500 mosquito species on Earth.
2. Terdapat lebih 3,500 spesis nyamuk
Source : Majalah Mastika, November 2000
Bisa Brazilian Wondering Spider memungkinkan lelaki lemah syahwat dapat bertahan selama 4 jam
2023 study scientist testing as a potential treatment for erectile dysfunction in those whom viagra didn’t work
A bite can cause an erection that last for up to four hours
Apakah nama lain bagi Brazilian Wondering Spider?
1. Banana Spiders
2. Arned Spiders
Bisa Neurotoksik boleh membunuh terutama bagi kanak-kanak
What’s the size of this spider?
Body 5cm
Leg span 18cm
life expectancy : 1 or 2 years
Kesan gigitan / symptoms of a bite :
Pedih, berpeluh, high or low blood pressure, fast or slow heart rate, nausea, kejang perut, vertigo, kabur penglihatan (blurry vision)
Sejak 1903, hanya 15 kematian direkodkan (Laporan Kajian pada 2018)
2.3% mendapatkan rawatan selepas digigit sepanjang 13 tahun (Laporan kajian pada tahun 2000)
4,000 gigitan direkodkan setiap tahun
- 4,000 attack a year
- 2.3% seek treatment within 15 years
- 15 deaths since 1903
Read More : https://www.livescience.com/41591-brazilian-wandering-spiders.html