Category Archives: Psychology / Psikologi

‘🙂’ emoji yang diciptakan pada 1963 oleh Harvey Ball, dia tidak pernah mendapat royalti, melainkan hanya upah 45 dollars. Syarikat State Mutual Life Assurance mengupah Harvey kerana masalah moral di syarikat mereka untuk menghasilkan pin baju

🙂‘ emoji created in 1963 by Harvey Ball, he never got royalties, but only paid a one-time fee of 45 dollars. State Mutual Life Assurance Company hired Harvey because of the In 1963, the company was experiencing morale problems as it grew, and decided on an in-house campaign to improve morale in their company resulting the smiley face pins that were printed and handed out were a huge succes.

Ada kebaikan yang kita terima dari seseorang, tetapi kita tidak pernah tahu, dalam diam dia telah bantu kita. Bayi dalam kandungan menghantar sel melalui tali pusat untuk memulihkan mana-mana bahagian tubuh ibunya yang rosak.

There are kindnesses that we receive from someone, but we never know, in silence he has helped us.
When any body part of pregnant women get demaged. The baby in her womb send her cells to fixes up the part.

Source :
Research conducted by Arizona State University's Department of Psychology


Pada 2011 lelaki Brazil menyelamatkan seekor penguin yang hampir mati kerana tenggelam dalam minyak, sejak dibebaskan, pengguin itu akan berenang sejauh 8,000 km untuk menemuinya setiap tahun

In 2011 a Brazillian man, Joao Pereira de Souza, a 73 year old part-time fisherman, found a penguin covered in oil and close to death. He nursed him back to health and since then the penguin swims 5,000 miles to reunite with the man who saved his life

Kenapa bas sekolah warna oren?

1. Warna kuning mudah dilihat pada waktu gelap berbanding merah

2. Saintis mengatakan warna kuning lebih cepat dikesan

3. Tulisan hitam ‘BAS SEKOLAH’ pada permukaan kuning lebih mudah dibaca dalam cahaya yang malap oleh pemandu lain terutama bila berhenti di tepi jalan untuk mengambil pelajar

Why school bus are Yellow?

1. Yellow more easily noticed in a dark environment, better than we see Red

2. We see Yellow faster than any other colour

3. Black lettering on yellow is easiest for driver to see in the darkness of early morning especially when stopping on the side of the road to pick up students

Kerap minum Teh susu boleh bawa kepada masalah mental seperti Kemurungan, gelisah dan perasaan ingin membunuh diri. Kajian Tsinghua University and Central University of Finance and Economics di China ke atas 5,281 pelajar di Beijing

Milk tea causes mental health issues like depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts according to researchers from Tsinghua University and Central University of Finance in China after studying over 5,281 university students in Beijing.

Reference :
Khoo Bee Khim, CNA Lifestyle, Oct 7, 2023

read more :,in%20Journal%20Of%20Affective%20Disorders.

Kajian ke atas 3,000 wanita mendapati Secara purata wanita hanya mampu mengawal desakan emosi untuk menyimpan rahsia selama 2 hari sahaja.

The everage woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours. The study of 3,000 women aged between 18 and 65 also found that four out of ten admitted they were unable to keep a secret.

Source :
By Murray Wardrop, The Telegraph, September 17, 2009.