Chickens are able to detect infrared light and humans cannot. Prophet Muhammad, who lived 1500 years ago, stated that angels were created from light and that chickens are able to see angels
Sebab itu ayam berkokok sebelum matahari terbit, kerana ayam sudah mengesan kehadiran cahaya +/- 45 lebih awal
Chickens see daylight about 45 minutes before human do
The rooster is able to see angles, as stated by Prophet Muhammad 1500 years ago
oleh Abu Hurairah RA “Jika kamu mendengar ayam berkokok maka mohonlah kepada Allah SWT akan kurniaan-Nya, kerana ia (ayam) melihat malaikat. Dan apabila kamu mendengar bunyi (suara) keldai maka mohon perlindunganlah kepada Allah SWT daripada Syaitan, kerana ia (keldai) sedang melihat syaitan”. [Riwayat al-Bukhari, no. Hadith 3058, Muslim, no. Hadith 4908, Abu Daud, no. Hadith 4438 dan al-Tirmizi, no. Hadith 3381] ¹
Prophet Muhammad said “Angels were created from light,”
“Diciptakan malaikat daripada cahaya.” [Riwayat Muslim (2996)]²
Sources :
¹Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan,
²Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan,
Jalur hitam putih pada kuda belang, bersifat seperti cap jari pada manusia, tidak ada yang sama antara satu sama lain
‘Maha Suci Allah tidaklah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia” Ali ‘Imran 191 3:191
A stripe makes insects less disturbing to Zebras. Japanese scientists painted the same stripes on cows and found that they were 50% less disturbing than normal cows.
Standing up is how zebras sleep
Zebra stripes are like human fingerprints, they are not identical to each other.
Cindai is a Malay Traditional woven made out of the fibers of selected herbal medicinal plants. It is effective in treating wounds and is an antimicrobial equivalent to antibiotics.
Brass is not only resistant to rust, but it also eliminates bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, and fungi, making it safe for health. To prepare traditional food that is safe and healthy, Malay people use it as a mold.