Mereka yang mengambil makanan pedas 6 atau 7 hari seminggu menunjukkan pengurangan risiko relatif 14% dalam jumlah kematian. Tingkatkan metabolism, cegah keradangan, lawan kanser & bunuh bakteria. “with. the permission of Allah”

those who consumed spicy foods 6 or 7 days a week showed a 14% relative risk reduction in total mortality

Spicy food associated with longevity benefits by lowered mortality rates by 14 percent, according to study by Harvard School of Public Health (2015) and China National Center for Desease Control and Prevention

Benefits :-


Speeds up metabolism²

Combat inflammation²

Fight cancer, Capsaicin, an active component of chili peppers, to slow and destroy cancer cells²

Cumin & turmeric is antimicrobial (Kill bacteria)²

¹Harvard School of Public Health (2015) and 
China National Center for Desease Control and Prevention
