Kenapa perlu disebut hukuman gantung ‘sampai mati’. Kerana seorang wanita Maggie Dickson, selepas dijalankan hukuman gantung, dia tidak mati. Mahkamah menetapkan bahawa hukuman ke atasnya telah pun dilaksanakan. Selepas digantung dia hidup 40 tahun lagi.

Ada mengatakan dia mempunyai kawan baik, iaitu pembekal tali gantung, yang membuat simpulan untuk menyelamatkan dia

Maggie Dickson was sentenced to death by hanging, after being hanged, she still alive.
As the sentence of the court has been carried out, Maggie was beyond further prosecution. She lived for another 40 years

Reference :
Undiscoverd Scotland

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