Category Archives: Culture / Budaya

2011, Bencana nuklear Fukushima, lebih 500 warga emas Jepun termasuk wanita, berumur lebih 60 tahun menjadi sukarelawan, membantu membersihkan kesan radioaktif. Kata mereka “Generasi kami yang membina loji ini, kami harus bertanggungjawab agar generasi akan datang selamat”. Warga emas bekorban untuk generasi muda.

During the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, over 500 Japanese seniors, all of them over age of 60, come to help clean up the radioactive zone.

They are all retirees, and they have all volunteered for a single, dangerous mission: to replace younger workers at the badly damaged Fukushima nuclear plant.

The Skilled Veterans Corps for Fukushima consists of more than 500 seniors who have signed up for a job that has been called courageous — and suicidal.

Kazuko Sasaki, a 72-year-old grandmother, is one of those ready to serve.
“My generation built these nuclear plants. So we have to take responsibility for them. We can’t dump this on the next generation,” she says.

Gempa bumi dasar laut bermagnitud 9.0 serta tsunami yang menyusulinya membawa kemusnahan besar sehingga 16,000 orang terbunuh dan ramai yang dilaporkan hilang.

Badai tsunami dahsyat itu yang mencapai ketinggian 15.5 meter menyebabkan kemusnahan besar pada Loji Janakuasa Nuklear Fukushima Daiichi 4,700MW yang terletak di pantai wilayah Fukushima dan menyebabkan sisa radioaktif merebak ke persekitaran.

Hari ini tempat yang terjejas kerana gempa bumi dan tsunami hampir pulih sepenuhnya. Sehinggakan kawasan yang terjejas kerana kesan radioaktif, di luar lingkungan 12 kilometer (km) dari reaktor Fukushima, kehidupan beransur pulih.
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Kerana masalah orang awam kencing di dinding, dinding di beberapa negara seperti UK & Jerman dilapisi 1 lapisan, di mana sesiapa yang kencing ke dinding, air kencingnya akan memantul kepada diri sendiri

The paint, which splashes back on the person when they urinate on it, The estminster City Council, London, has spent £950,000 a year cleaning up after a spike in incidents since lockdown ended.
Reference :
BBC News

‘🙂’ emoji yang diciptakan pada 1963 oleh Harvey Ball, dia tidak pernah mendapat royalti, melainkan hanya upah 45 dollars. Syarikat State Mutual Life Assurance mengupah Harvey kerana masalah moral di syarikat mereka untuk menghasilkan pin baju

🙂‘ emoji created in 1963 by Harvey Ball, he never got royalties, but only paid a one-time fee of 45 dollars. State Mutual Life Assurance Company hired Harvey because of the In 1963, the company was experiencing morale problems as it grew, and decided on an in-house campaign to improve morale in their company resulting the smiley face pins that were printed and handed out were a huge succes.

Main Kutu Adalah Kesalahan Boleh Didenda Sehingga 50 Ribu Atau Penjara Maksimum 10 Tahun Di Bawah Seksyen 3 (1), Akta (Larangan) Kumpulan Wang Kutu 1971 (Akta 28)

Kootu Funds Is An Offense Punishable With A Fine Not Exceeding 50 Thousand Or To Imprisonment For A term Not Exceeding 10 Years Or To Both Under Section 3 (1), The Flea Fund (Prohibition) Act 1971 (Act 28)

Kain Cindai ditenun daripada serat tumbuhan ubatan herba terpilih Berfungsi merawat luka dan Antimicrobial setaraf antibiotik

Cindai is a Malay Traditional woven made out of the fibers of selected herbal medicinal plants. It is effective in treating wounds and is an antimicrobial equivalent to antibiotics.