After 7 months of the Hamas-Israeli war, UN officials reported that the Gaza conflict would take 14 years to clear 37 million tons of building debris if 100 trucks were used a day. 70 thousand buildings were destroyed, 290 thousand were damaged including schools, hospitals, churches, mosques and historical places. Rm188 billion in repair costs are required (7 Ocktober 2023 – 3 May 2024)
Category Archives: Statistics
Purata 300 permohonan pernikahan Islam sebulan di Selatan Thailand, kebanyakan adalah untuk berpoligami oleh rakyat Malaysia (tahun 2024)
An average of 300 marriage applications per month in Southern Thailand, most of which are for polygamy by Malaysians (year 2024)
Penduduk terbesar di dunia ialah (1) China 1.41 billion, (2) India 1.39 billion, (3) US 336 juta, (4) Indonesia 279 juta. Penduduk paling sedikit adalah Vatican City seramai 764 orang seluas 0.405 km2 (100 Ekar)
The largest population in the world is (1) China 1.41 billion, (2) India 1.39 billion, (3) US 336 million, (4) Indonesia 279 million. The small population is Vatican City with 764 people in an area of 0.405 km2 (100 Acres)

Lebih separuh daripada bekalan oksigen di bumi, datangnya dari laut. Dihasilkan oleh Phytoplankton (photosynthesis), plant, algea dan cyanobacteria. Selebihnya di darat termasuk rumput.
Half of the world’s oxygen is produced via phytoplankton photosynthesis in the ocean
Source : National Geographic
Guinness World Records, burung (burung bar-tailed godwit) yang ditag terbang tanpa henti, tanpa rehat, makan & minum selama 11 hari dari Alaska to Australia sejauh 13,560 km
Guinness World Records, longest non-stop migration by a bird, a bar-tailed godwit (Limosa lapponica) flew 13,560 km from Alaska to the Australian state of Tasmania without stopping for food or rest.
Tidak ada ular boleh hidup dengan cuaca di Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. Di New Zealand bukan sahaja ular, buaya pun tidak akan ditemui.
No snake at all in Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. In New Zealand, not only snakes but nor crocodile be found.
Negara yang tidak ada ular & buaya, New Zealand. Kerana eko-sistem yang tidak sesuai, zoo di New Zealand pun tidak boleh memelihara ular ditambah dengan undang-undang negara itu yang melarang kemasukan ular.
The only countries in the world, completely free from snake and crocodiles / alligator are New Zealand. Snake are completely missing from New Zealand’s zoos, because imbalance in the snake free ecosystem and it is illegal to bring snakes into New Zealand, a snake-free country.
Kerap minum Teh susu boleh bawa kepada masalah mental seperti Kemurungan, gelisah dan perasaan ingin membunuh diri. Kajian Tsinghua University and Central University of Finance and Economics di China ke atas 5,281 pelajar di Beijing
Milk tea causes mental health issues like depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts according to researchers from Tsinghua University and Central University of Finance in China after studying over 5,281 university students in Beijing.
Reference : Khoo Bee Khim, CNA Lifestyle, Oct 7, 2023 read more :,in%20Journal%20Of%20Affective%20Disorders.
16.4 juta orang Amerika percaya susu coklat dihasilkan oleh lembu berkulit coklat (seperti di Malaysia), manakala Lembu tompak hitam putih seperti di Eropah menghasilkan susu putih. Ini menurut kajian Innovation Center of U.S Dairy
7% off of all American adults (about 16.4 million peoples) believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, according to a nationally representative online survey commissioned by the Innovation Center of U.S Dairy. Maybe 23.3 million Americans included children.

Source : Analysis by Caitlin Dewey, The Washington Post, Jun 15, 2017
Kebanyakan pembunuh bersiri lahir pada bulan November. Kajian pada 2005, ke atas lebih dari 100 orang pembunuh bersiri mendapati 17 lahir pada bulan November
Most of serial killers are born in November
Bulan paling banyak kelahiran di dunia direkodkan ialah pada bulan Ogos, paling sedikit pada bulan Februari
August has the most birthday, February has the least