Manisha Koirola is Nepali actress, her grandfather BP Koirala was the Prime Minister of Nepal from 1959 to 1960
Category Archives: Woman / Wanita
Veronica Seider, menurut Guiness World Record, mempunyai penglihatan 20x lebih baik daripada orang biasa. Dia boleh mengenal seseorang dari jarak 1.6km.
Veronica Seider holds the Guinness World Record for having the best eyesight, She has a vision 20 times more than an ordinary people an ability to recognise somebody in distance 1.6 km away
Remaja perempuan 18 tahun dari India hilang kedua-dua belah tangan selepas dilanggar bas. Tangan ganti yang baru diperolehi dari seorang lelaki berkulit lebih gelap, lengan yang lebih besar dan berbulu lebat. Dengan kuasa Allah, perbezaan itu hilang selepas beberapa tahun, apabila kulit lengan itu bertukar menjadi warna kulit remaja ini dan saiz mengecil sesuai dengan tubuhnya.
An 18-year-old girl from India lost both hands after being hit by a bus. She received an arm transplant from a man with darker skin, larger arms and hairy arms. By the power of Allah, the difference disappeared after a few years, when the skin of the arm turned into the color of this teenager’s skin and shrank in size to fit his body.
Batuli Lamichhane wanita umur 120 tahun. Merokok 2 kotak sehari. Jika disuruh berhenti, dia menjawab “semua doktor yang menasihatinya berhenti merokok telah pun meninggal”
Batuli Lamichhane, a 120 years old granny smokes 2 packs of the cigarettes, on asking her to stop this habit she said “Doctors who advised me to quite smoking had died already”
She passed away on Feb, 2024, other claimed aged about 121 years old, 316 days.
Allah dah janji dalam al-Quran, masa yang telah ditetapkan, tidak cepat atau lambat sekalipun sesaat. Elvita Adam’s tidak mati walaupun terjun dari tingkat 86 (The Empire State Building). Dia ditiup angin tersadai di tingkat 85.
Allah said in the Quran, When their time arrives, they can neither delay it for a moment, nor could they advance it. Elvita Adam’s did not die even after jumping from the 86th floor (The Empire State Building). He was blown to the ground on the 85th floor.
The Empire State Building is 102-story building completed in 1931.
Kenapa perlu disebut hukuman gantung ‘sampai mati’. Kerana seorang wanita Maggie Dickson, selepas dijalankan hukuman gantung, dia tidak mati. Mahkamah menetapkan bahawa hukuman ke atasnya telah pun dilaksanakan. Selepas digantung dia hidup 40 tahun lagi.
Ada mengatakan dia mempunyai kawan baik, iaitu pembekal tali gantung, yang membuat simpulan untuk menyelamatkan dia
Maggie Dickson was sentenced to death by hanging, after being hanged, she still alive.
As the sentence of the court has been carried out, Maggie was beyond further prosecution. She lived for another 40 years
Reference : Undiscoverd Scotland
Ada kebaikan yang kita terima dari seseorang, tetapi kita tidak pernah tahu, dalam diam dia telah bantu kita. Bayi dalam kandungan menghantar sel melalui tali pusat untuk memulihkan mana-mana bahagian tubuh ibunya yang rosak.
There are kindnesses that we receive from someone, but we never know, in silence he has helped us.
When any body part of pregnant women get demaged. The baby in her womb send her cells to fixes up the part.
Source : Research conducted by Arizona State University's Department of Psychology

Ketika semua orang dipindahkan dari sebuah pulau, seorang wanita Juana Maria tertinggal kapal, dia hidup seorang diri di sebuah pulau (San Nicholas Island) selama 18 tahun (1935 – 1953), sebelum diselamatkan
Novel ‘Island of the Blue Dolphins’ diterbitkan oleh Scott O’Dell. Dia dikata tertinggal kapal kerana pergi mencari anaknya untuk dibawa bersama ketika dalam proses pemindahan penduduk pulau tersebut
Juana Maria, left behind during an evacuation, lived alone in San Nicholas Island for 18 years. A novel titled ‘Island of the Blue Dolphin’s (1960) by Scott O’Dell is based on this story.
Kandungan kembar yang lahir dalam sela masa paling lama ialah 90 hari (3 bulan) di USA, bayi pertama pada 1 Januari 1996 dan yang kedua 30 Mac 1996
The longest interval between the birth of twin is 90 days in Baltimore, Maryland, USA to parents Lesa and David West on Jan 1 1996 (Molly) and 30 March 1996 (Benjamin)
Bayi pertama Molly adalah pramatang dan yang kedua ialan Benjamin
Reference : Guinness World Records
Kajian ke atas 3,000 wanita mendapati Secara purata wanita hanya mampu mengawal desakan emosi untuk menyimpan rahsia selama 2 hari sahaja.
The everage woman cannot keep a secret for longer than 47 hours. The study of 3,000 women aged between 18 and 65 also found that four out of ten admitted they were unable to keep a secret.
Source : By Murray Wardrop, The Telegraph, September 17, 2009.