Tag Archives: animal

Kajian mengatakan cerdik kucing ibarat akal budak umur 2 tahun tetapi antara binatang paling cerdik ialah Chimpanzee, Gajah dan Dolphin. Kucing boleh faham bila orang marah dengan perkataan “hiss”, boleh memahami hampir 50 perkataan yang selalu digunakan dan boleh faham namanya sendiri

Studies say that cats are as smart as a 2-year-old boy, but among the smartest animals are Chimpanzees, Elephants and Dolphins. Cats can understand when people are angry with the word “hiss”, can understand almost 50 words that are often used and can understand their own names

Penglihatan malam harimau, 6 kali lebih baik dari manusia, tetapi Allah mencipta yang paling hebat ialah burung hantu, 10 kali lebih baik dari manusia penglihatan malamnya dengan leher yang boleh dipusing 270 darjah

Burung hantu tidak rabun di siang hari, matanya nampak separuh bukan kerana dia mengantuk atau tidur tetapi untuk menghalang cahaya yang banyak masuk ke mata kerana anak mata hitamnya tidak boleh mengecil seperti manusia, dia sedang mengawasi anda keadaan ketika anda sangka dia tidur.

National Geographic Wild

Tiger, Their night vision is around six times greater than humans’ is, but Allah created the excellent night vision is the owl, with 10 times the night vision capabilities as humans. The owl can twist it’s neck up to 270 degrees. Owls can see in the daytime. Their pupils don’t get as small as ours in bright light, so to block out the extra light, they often close their eyes half-way or more. They may look sleepy or even half asleep when really they are wide awake and alert.


Hachiko, anjing yang setia menanti di Stesen Keretapi Shibuya, menunggu tuannya Profesor Hidesaburo Ueno pulang dari kerja. Menunggu setiap hari, selama lebih dari 9 tahun (dari 21 May 1925 hingga 8 Mac 1935) sebelum dia ditemui mati di tepi jalan

The dog’s named Hachiko would meet Prof Ueno at Shibuya Station every day after his commute home. This continued untill May 21, 1925, when Prof Ueno died of a cerebral hemmorrhage while at work. From then till his death on March 8, 1935, Hachiko would return to Shibuya Station every day to await Ueno’s return

Reference :

Pada 2011 lelaki Brazil menyelamatkan seekor penguin yang hampir mati kerana tenggelam dalam minyak, sejak dibebaskan, pengguin itu akan berenang sejauh 8,000 km untuk menemuinya setiap tahun

In 2011 a Brazillian man, Joao Pereira de Souza, a 73 year old part-time fisherman, found a penguin covered in oil and close to death. He nursed him back to health and since then the penguin swims 5,000 miles to reunite with the man who saved his life

RM185 juta harga 1 gallon bisa kala jengking. Ia adalah cecair termahal di dunia sebagai ubat antikanser, antiviral, ubat tahan sakit, menguatkan imun, antikulat & parasit,

$39 million per gallon cost for scorpion venom. It is the most expensive liquid in the world. Scorpion venom has a wide array of medical applications, from identifying tumors to treating malaria, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, Immunosuppressive, analgesic, anticancer and bradykinin potentiating

Reference :
National Library of Medicine

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Hummingbird burung paling lapar di dunia, metabolism yang tinggi, perlu makan 77 kali ganda manusia, kadar denyut nadi 1,260 seminit dan 250 kali bernafas seminit

The hummingbird is the hungry birds in the world, one of the highest metabolic rates, food supply is equal to 77 times as much as most human eats, heart rates up to 1,260 beats per minute, breathing rate is about 250 breaths per minute even at rest.

Reference :
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance (web site)

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Tidak ada ular boleh hidup dengan cuaca di Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. Di New Zealand bukan sahaja ular, buaya pun tidak akan ditemui.

No snake at all in Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. In New Zealand, not only snakes but nor crocodile be found.

Seorang budak perempuan di Ethiopia dipukul 7 lelaki sehingga 3 ekor singa datang menghalau 7 lelaki tersebut, bukan itu sahaja, singa-singa tersebut menunggu selama setengah hari sehingga bantuan tiba bagi memastikan keselamatan budak tersebut.

A 12-years-old girl in Ethiopia had been taken and beaten by 7 men until a pride of lions came to chasing the men away, She had been guarded by the lions for about half a day

Reference :
NBC News, June 21, 2005 Source : The Associated Press

The Guardian

Bagaimana katak minum air? katak ‘minum’ melalui kulitnya, tidak seperti haiwan lain. “apabila Ia menetapkan jadinya sesuatu perkara maka Ia hanya berfirman kepadanya: “Jadilah engkau!” Lalu menjadilah ia.” al-Ghafir (40:68)

Frogs don’t drink water, they absorb water through their skin

The amazing of god creation
Allah said in Quran chapter 40 (al-Ghafir) verse 68
He is the One Who gives life and causes death. When He decrees a matter, He simply tells it, “Be!” And it is!

Negara yang tidak ada ular & buaya, New Zealand. Kerana eko-sistem yang tidak sesuai, zoo di New Zealand pun tidak boleh memelihara ular ditambah dengan undang-undang negara itu yang melarang kemasukan ular.

The only countries in the world, completely free from snake and crocodiles / alligator are New Zealand. Snake are completely missing from New Zealand’s zoos, because imbalance in the snake free ecosystem and it is illegal to bring snakes into New Zealand, a snake-free country.

16.4 juta orang Amerika percaya susu coklat dihasilkan oleh lembu berkulit coklat (seperti di Malaysia), manakala Lembu tompak hitam putih seperti di Eropah menghasilkan susu putih. Ini menurut kajian Innovation Center of U.S Dairy

7% off of all American adults (about 16.4 million peoples) believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows, according to a nationally representative online survey commissioned by the Innovation Center of U.S Dairy. Maybe 23.3 million Americans included children.

Source :
Analysis by Caitlin Dewey, The Washington Post, Jun 15, 2017

Nyamuk suka mengigit orang mengandung, aktif, suka makan manis, garam, berempah dan peminum alkohol. Menurut Majalah Mastika, nyamuk suka pada orang makan pisang mungkin kerana pisang mengandungi pottosium

People who are pregnant, working out, eating sweet, salty, spicy and drinking alcohol tend to be more attractive to mosquitoes. According to Mastika Magazine, mosquitoes attracted to people who eat bananas probably because bananas contain potassium

The miracle of Allah’s creation. Gibbons, Wolves & Elephants are among the animals that can die because of the grief of losing a partner. Gibbon, Serigala & Gajah antara binatang yang boleh mati kerana kesedihan kehilangan pasangan

Depressed, stop eating eventually dies from stress. Elephant pay tribute to the bodies and to the bones

Kesedihan & hilang selera makan hingga membawa kepada kematian. Gajah sangat cenderung menghormati si mati

Jalur Putih Hitam Pada Kuda Belang Menjadikan Serangga Kurang Menghurung Badan Kuda Belang, Saintis Jepun Mengecat Jalur Yang Sama Pada Lembu Mendapati 50% Serangga kurang Menghurung Berbanding Lembu Biasa

Kuda Belang tidur secara berdiri

Jalur hitam putih pada kuda belang, bersifat seperti cap jari pada manusia, tidak ada yang sama antara satu sama lain

Maha Suci Allah tidaklah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia”
Ali ‘Imran 191

A stripe makes insects less disturbing to Zebras. Japanese scientists painted the same stripes on cows and found that they were 50% less disturbing than normal cows.

Standing up is how zebras sleep

Zebra stripes are like human fingerprints, they are not identical to each other.

 Our Lord! You have not created this in vain

Ali ‘Imran 191

Gajah boleh mendengar melalui tapak kaki, maka tidak hairan jika Rasulullah SAW bersabda “Di padang mahsyar ada manusia berjalan dengan kepala”

Elephants have the ability to hear up to 20 miles away through their feet and are able to detect tsunamis earlier.

Maha Suci Allah

Gajah boleh mengesan pergerakan pada jarak 20 batu melalui tapak kaki

Maha bijaksana kekuasaan Allah

Gajah boleh mengesan Tsunami dan gempa bumi lebih awal

Di padang Mahsyar manusia terbahagi kepada 3 :-

  1. Yang menaiki kenderaan (Orang bertakwa)
  2. Yang berjalan kaki (Muslim pelaku dosa)
  3. Yang berjalan dengan keadaan terbalik (Orang bukan Islam)

Tapak kaki berfungsi seperti seismograph

Seismograph digunakan dalam mengukur kekuatan gempa bumi
- National Geographic Channel
- elephant nature park (.org)
- Jabar.nu.or.id