Sterile Cockpit is a critical phase when operating an aircraft. It is an offense and can be prosecuted if the pilot talks about something that is not related to the operation of the flight
Source :
Air Crash Investigation, National Geographic Channel
14 years old in 2017, Mansoor Anis, an Indian boy in Dubai, UAE
17 years old in 1945, many Japanese World War II Pilot among them is Yukio Araki, Kazuo Odachi.
Kerosakan komponen berlaku selepas 4 bulan berada di Guam kerana cuaca di Guam mempunyai kepadatan hujan yang tinggi, sedangkan ia dibangunkan di US dengan cuaca yang kering. Kelembapan menjejaskan sistem data penerbangan
Akibat Flight Data Computer Failer
Lead to faulty data
Both crew members were successfully ejected
Source: National Geographic, Air Crash Investigation