Scotland has 421 words for snow
Tag Archives: Bahasa
Kim Ung-yong, budak Korea pintar, IQ skor 210, umur 3 tahun sudah mampu menyelesaikan pengiraan kalkulus dan menerbitkan 247 muka surat best-selling book dalam bahasa Inggeris & Jerman. Ketika umur 5 tahun sudah boleh bercakap dalam 5 bahasa iaitu Korea, Inggeris, Perancis, Jerman & Jepun, Umur 8 tahun memasuki Universiti Colorado.
Kim dikatakan pergi belajar fizik nuklear di Universiti Colorado ketika berusia lapan tahun
“saya merasa sangat sunyi kerana berada di negara orang, dan kerana tiada sesiapa boleh menemani saya kerana di universiti semuanya orang dewasa, tidak tempat untuk budak-budak seperti saya” katanya
At three years old, he was able to solve calculus problems, and also published a 247-page best-selling book of his essays in English and German, as well as his calligraphy and illustrations.[4][1] By the age of five, Kim could speak Korean, English, French, German and Japanese.[5]
Kim allegedly went to study nuclear physics at the University of Colorado when he was eight years old
I was really lonely. No one ever made friends with me. After work hours, I could exercise and enjoy my hobbies, but no one could accompany me. I came from another country and I was young, so there were no seats for children even though everyone was an adult.
Sebutan no ‘5’ dalam bahasa Thai boleh juga membawa maksud ‘ha’, remaja Thai menulis ‘555’ bermaksud ‘ha ha ha’ / ห้า ห้า ห้า untuk perkara yang melucukan
The pronunciation of ‘5’ in Thai can also mean ‘ha’; when you see “555” /hâa hâa hâa/ (ห้า ห้า ห้า) in Thailand it means “funny” and “laughing out loud”’s%20the%20Thai%20equivalent%20of,or%20just%20%E2%80%9C555%2B%E2%80%9D.
Perkataan ‘Salary’ berasal dari perkataan salt (garam), kerana di zaman Rom, garam yang paling berharga, sehingga gaji tentera dibayar dengan garam
Salary comes from the Latin word salarium, which also means “salary” and has the root sal, or “salt.” In ancient Rome,
Roman soldiers were sometimes paid in salt
Kenapa Wujud No 3A Pada Bangunan Terutama Dalam Lif?
No 3A sebenarnya menggantikan penggunaan no 4
Hokkien Numeral
Dalam bahasa Hokkien no 4 disebut “Si”
Makna lain bagi sebutan “Si” adalah mati/maut
0 = Khong
1 = ait
2 = no
3 = sa
4 = si
5 = go
6 = lug
7 = cit
8 = pet
9 = kau
10 = cap
20 = jicap
25 = jicapgo
30 = sacap
54 = gocapsi
Source : Ilmu Bahasa Hokkien dari Ayah