Studies say that cats are as smart as a 2-year-old boy, but among the smartest animals are Chimpanzees, Elephants and Dolphins. Cats can understand when people are angry with the word “hiss”, can understand almost 50 words that are often used and can understand their own names
Tag Archives: cat
Allah jadikan kucing lengkap dengan ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. Bila dia jatuh pada tinggi yang sesuai, terbalik macam mana pun masa dia jatuh, sebelum landing, badan dia akan dibetulkan, kepala di atas dan 4 kaki dia akan tegak ready untuk menahan di tanah.
Allah almighty made cats complete with ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. When it falls at the appropriate height, upside down or no matter how, at the time it falls, before landing, his body will be fixed, head up and his 4 legs will be upright ready to hold on the ground