In 1967 it rained continuously in Kelantan for 10 days
source : Astro Awani
In 1967 it rained continuously in Kelantan for 10 days
source : Astro Awani
Qatar uses blue roads to reduce heat radiating from the asphalt
Average rate of death due to being struck by lightning :- 1) 16 people a day 2) 500 per month 3) 6,000 people each year 4) 30 - 50 in the United States
Jika dibahagikan secara purata kadar kematian akibat disambar kilat "- 1) 16 orang purata harian 2) 500 orang purata sebulan 3) 6,000 orang dalam tempoh setahun 4) 30-50 di US sahaja
Sumber : - BBC Earth, The World's Deadliest Weather - Wikipedia