Quote of The Day

here’s my quote of the day


taken from www.livelifehappy.com. allright to use and share.

Allah cares about me

Nice one.

Quote of The Day

I haven’t posted a quote for quite for a while. Here’s one from Beyonce’.




image taken from https://www.flickr.com/photos/jiposhy/11933424885. alright to use and modify.

Umar Al-Khattab

Sometimes, I feel Umar is the sahabah i feel close to because he said to be a tall, well built person who always stood out from the crowd. Physically, I am also the same. I am nearly always the tallest person in the group and it is quite rare (although it does happen) that I meet someone taller. Because of my height, I also think that I always stand out from the crowd (sometimes like an ugly duckling).

However, Umar has embraced this ‘feature’ in which he is very strong and athletic. He is powerful such that his enemies cower from him. He is also an extremely ‘tegas’ person and is very very brave. But, he also has a soft heart, is very loyal and  of course is one of Rasulullah saw best friends. He is one of the 10 sahabah that is promised Jannah.

I think I need to embrace my inner Umar and be at least, a little like him. I need to be brave and strong in the face of adversity, and to stand up for what’s right. I need to have a stand about something, not to stay meek and quiet, because that it definitely not what Umar did. I need to be more active and have a strong body, and not sit at my desk all day. well, basically, I need to do a complete physical and personality overhaul, haha.



Quote of the Day: Al-Rahman

ar rahman

Surah Al-Rahman is such an important surah where we are encouraged as muslims to read every night/day.

”Rasulullah  bersabda: “Barangsiapa yang membaca surat Ar-Rahman, Allah akan menyayangi kelemahannya dan meridhai nikmat yang dikaruniakan padanya.” (Tafsir Nur Ats-Tsaqalayn 5/187).

from http://www.akhlakmuslim.com/2016/01/keutamaan-surat-ar-rahman-peringatan.html

The whole of this surah states so many nikmah that Allah has given to us. one important ayah, repeated 31 times in this surah is ‘maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan’

And this is a reminder to us that Allah swt has given us much nikmat which we may not be aware of. If we sit down and try to count all the nikmat, we will find that it is infinite! Yet, so many times I myself forget that Allah swt has given me so much to be thankful for, has always helped me to be a good servant of Allah swt. But, it is always easy to do things which can be frowned on. Astargfirullah.


Image taken from  Wikepedia, Peelden, of the Cijin District night scene, view from Mt. Qi Hou. Allright to use and modify.