Machine Vision in Agriculture

Machine vision is a very versatile sensor and it is often implemented in mobile robot navigation and guidance, plant or object detection and plant characteristics measurements that including in many agricultural tasks. Usually, a machine vision system sensor consists...

VRP Network Criteria

The network criteria in VRP consists of a graph which the nodes represent the customers, towns or depots. The arcs or edges drawn in the network represent the real links such as roads or pipelines. In valuated graphs, the cost of traversing an arc or edge is generally...

History of Vehicle Routing Problem

Usually, the problem of optimizing routes for vehicles and mobile robot is classified into the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). The VRP is a type of combinatorial optimization and integer programming problem that asks, “What is the optimal set of routes for the...

Pesticide Spraying Techniques

In most of the farming practices, pesticides are usually applied uniformly throughout the fields to control the spreading of diseases. This technique is applied despite several pests and diseases exhibit at an uneven spatial distribution, especially during early...