A* Algorithm

This algorithm combines the characteristics of the uniform-cost search and pure heuristic search to compute optimal solutions effectively. As A* algorithm searching the path inside the graph, it refers to a path with the lowest known cost and keeping a sorted priority...

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s algorithm implements the greedy approach [86] in solving the single source shortest problem by repeatedly choosing the unselected vertices, vertex ? nearest to sources ? and initialize its distance as the actual shortest distance from ? to ?. Then,...

Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM)

PRM is a motion planning algorithm that is widely applied in robotics and has been proven to solve many path planning problems. This algorithm works based on the idea of sampling the configuration space with two different phases called learning phase and query phase....

Cell Decomposition Method

Cell Decomposition method has becoming a common technique in geometric path planning involving the division of the workspace into several convex region called cells. The main idea of this method is a feasible path between the initial configuration and goal...