Monthly Archives: March 2021
Mendeley Advisor Appointment

Mengambil Gambar Kuih Suji
Saya amat amateur untuk gambar produk.Memang banyak kelemahan yang saya boleh namoak bila saya cuba untuk menagmbil gambar sedemikina..Kena kreatif yang tinggi, kesabaran dan juga dapat membaca reaksi dan apa yang sebenarnya diingini oleh si client..Kekadang client tak reti nak camera man lah yang bertanggung jawab untuk mencurahkan segala idea kreatif untuk menyusun prop dan sebagainya.

High Input Impedance and Low Output Impedance. Kenapa?
Amatlah penting untuk sesuatu sistem mempunyai high input impedance dan pada masa yang sama perlu mempunyai low output impedance. Tapi kenapa ye? Dah bertahun tahun saya cari jawapan..akhirnya berjumpa jua dengan jawapan yang praktikal.
Secara umum ini berkaitan dengan dengan kesan stabiliti sesuatu sistem. Artikel dari Marco Panezza ini (2010) menerangkan dengan baik sekali dengan menggunakan dc-dc converter.
Publication 2021
Alhamdulillah. I am relief….today received a good news. My publication in IET Power Electronics was accepted. A review was quite though with 6 reviewers that comments on the novelty of the proposed multi level topology.
Since 2018, that research topic is blooming with a lot of topologies came year after year. The area was to search for a good and well-balanced topology that can generate a high number of output voltage level but at the same time has a low number of the power switch and low total standing voltage. The big challenge here is to have a low Total standing voltage.
Another comments is on the applications of the proposed topology since the topology use asymmetrical dc sources.
IET Power Electronics is is Q2. So for this year (till March 2021 and more will come), i have published:
- IEEE Access – Q1
- International Journal on Circuit Theory and Application – Q3
- IET Power Electronics – Q2
Kemasukan Pelajar UTM Sesi 2020/21 (II)
Mungkin ada yang tertanya tanya bagaimana flow kemasukan pelajar untuk semester akan datang..ok saya panjangkan

Mendeley Workshop
Mendeley is a smart tool to assist students and researchers to manage their references. Unlike EndNote, this tool is free of charge and was acquired by Scopus several years ago. Alhamdulillah, manage to conduct workshop on Mendeley with my old friend Ts Dr Shafie Bakar and Mrs Affida, both form UMP.

I learnt a lot of things too during the workshop.