Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Sitti Asmah Binti Hassan
B.Eng. (UTM), M.Eng. (UTM), Ph.D. (University of Southampton, UK)
Recent Posts
5 Focus in 2021
21January 2021 (Thursday, 2pm). Vice Chancelor, Professor Datuk Ts. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail speech for New Year 2021. 5 Focus in 2021 will be: People ManagementInstitutionalize I.S.E.S (Integrity, Synergy, Excellence, Sustainability)Strengthening...
Women in Engineering
Since I was young, I always wanted to venture into medicine career. I was also good in Science, Mathematics and Additional Mathematic subjects. However, when I filled in university entry form, I chose Civil Engineering as my first option, and I continue working in...
Traffic movement
Traffic simulation at Jalan Universiti, Skudai, Johor using VISSIM microsimulation modelling. Thanks to Ibrahim who has a wonderful skill in doing the model. Video of the traffic simulation can be seen here: Video
NALI 2020
We sent 2 participation for New Academia Learning Innovation 2020. We managed to get 2 silver awards for these projects: A Comparative Study between Face-to-Face and Online Learning in Traffic Engineering Course.Project-based Blended Learning Using Padlet. First...
MMHE-UTM Research Showcase
UTM research showcase for MMHE (Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd). Date: 15.09.2020 (Tuesday) Further reading:
Contribution to HSI
Portable table for Hospital Sultan Ismail, Johor. 1st visit was 14 November 2020. We handed portable table and wheelchair for Ward 8C, ward for paediatric oncology and nephrology. We are part of this community and was a frequent visitor & occupant of the ward. The...
Sesi perkongsian di SKAZine (majalah SKA)
This is my sharing session in SKAZine (SKA magazine). I shared about my first experience with online T&L during pandemic in April 2020. My daughter saw my writing, and asked whether I am now a writer in magazine? hahaha….apa lagi, jual minyak la kat anak sendiri ....
Basic Rubric in TES
The basic rubric for Teaching Excellence System (TES) consists of few components such as: A. Self-Assessment & Reflection A1. Goals of student learning A2. Personal philosophy A3. Belief and practices of assessment and evaluation A4. Self-reflection of teaching...
Teaching Excellence System (TES) 2020
Previously known as TESDCP. For 2020, it it rebranded to TES. It is actually the same. Apa bondo ni? hahahaha.... memang tiap-tiap tahun pening terutama di hujung tahun. Ada macam-macam sistem perlu diisi ya. Langkah pertama mesti bertenang dulu hehehe... TES -->...
Kemasukan data 2020
Pejam celik pejam celik, 2020 hampir sampai ke penghujung tahun. Sebagai peringatan untuk diri sendiri, ini antara perkara-perkara yang WAJIB siap sebelum 2020 berakhir.
Radar Gun Demonstration for subject MKAQ 1093
Students were required to do tasks on speed limit assessment at Taman Sri Pulai area and UTM. Before that, demonstration on how to use radar gun was conducted by Mr. Azri Samsudin on 05th March 2020. They have options either to use radar gun or automatic traffic...
Non-conventional T&L
It is now time to fill in Teaching Excellence System (TES) for 2019 2020 (sem1 & 2). Seperti biasalah, menggagau mencari maklumat-maklumat yang perlu diupload di dalam sistem. Sementara ingat ni, mari kita isi! Banyak sangat sistem, sampai lupa deadline2 ni...
Excellence Service Award 2019
Alhamdulillah for the recognition given by SKA & UTM, for the service given in 2019. Date: 24 August 2020, DSI. APC norma baru. 1st time dapat ni hehehe... Updating…Add title Alhamdulillah for the recognition given by SKA & UTM, for the service given in 2019....
Wakaf Pendidikan UTM
We from Pavement Transportation Research Group (PTRG) have contributed RM5000 to Endowment Fund, specifically for "Tabung Sekolah Agama UTM". It was part of community services from our consultation project related to Traffic Studies.
SKA Shine Sharing Session #6
Date: 09.08.2020 Aim: Sharing experience to become professional engineer. It was a life sharing experience in the journey of becoming professional engineer. PE does not bring any salary increment and does not guarantee promotion in career. This is a misconception that...
Hands - On Online Teaching Tools (Power Point Video Presentation, Screencast - O - matic, Big Blue Button) Date : 12 Mac 2020 (Thursday) Time : 8.30 pagi - 10.00 pagi Venue : Blok M46, Seminar Room