- At the end of a project, successful applicant must deliver:
- A final report in two formats:
- Adobe Reader (.pdf) to be uploaded in RADIS
- Microsoft Word (.doc) for promotional purposes
- Pictures and short videos of activities (2 minutes) copied in CD
- A final report in two formats:
- A project has to achieve a minimum of three (3) Star CE Impact Rating in order to contribute to MyRA performance. Thus, it needs to meet 3 minimum requirements:
- The community should have a positive orientation towards the programme where the attendance exceed or equal to 80% from the targeted number of participants.
- A minimum of three (3) stakeholders’ involvement (i.e. Government Agencies, Industries, Civil Society, NGOs, Learning Institutions, etc.).
- Provide evidence that the community consider the programme relevant and needed.
- Provide a formal university-community cooperation agreement.
- The participants exhibit the expected changes based on the objectives of the programme such as change of attitude or increment of knowledge / skills or aspirations.
- Additional requirements to achieve four (4) or five (5) Star CE Impact Rating:
- The programme results in change of practice where the participants adopt the innovations that were introduced (4 star).
- The community is empowered and independently able to sustain the practices that were introduced through the programme without UTM’s assistance (5 star).
- Please note that all information will be kept confidential and will ONLY be used for university reporting.
You can refer the CE Form here: CE-Impact-Rating-Form-2017