“Creativity involves breaking out of established pattern in order to look at things in a different way” – Edward De Bono
My learning and teaching practices are always evolving, in order to meet the learning needs of the students I teach. Throughout the 26 years of teaching, I have implemented various learning and teaching philosophies/theories, ranging from Cognitive Psychology (1995-2000), Cognitive Social and Constructivist (2002-2017), to Constructivist and Humanistic (2018-present).
The development of my years-long learning and teaching approaches are documented in detailed through my other website INNOGOGY: 21-st CENTURY INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGIES. It is through these learning and teaching methods that earned me and my colleagues a prestigious award “Education Minister’s Special Award Ceremony: Innovative Curriculum Design and Delivery (AKRI) for the year 2019.
More updates on my learning and teaching best practices also can be seen through my Youtube channel: Sharing Knowledge by Zaida Tasir. Do subscribe if you are new to this channel, hi hi. And don’t forget to like, share and leave a comment to request any topic regarding teaching and learning, and inshaALLAH I will try my level best to attain to those requests by sharing useful information / my2cents / practices.

Here are some testimonials from my students regarding my learning and teaching practices:
“I have seen how attending Authoring System Course during my first semester of Master study at Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has improved my confidence to achieve my dream of being an educational technology lecturer and to be able to use different type of computer software and learning Apps. The most effective factor that gave me the confidence to try to develop learning applications is the distinctive way your teaching strategies in using Adobe Flash and Dreamweaver for courseware development. In that course my classmates and I learnt the skills of using Adobe Flash and Dreamweaver through using learning Apps that installed on iPad devices which facilitated our learning and improved our skills. I will never forget how you lecturer Prof had been supportive to me as well as to other students in a way that encouraged us to overcome the technical difficulties we faced throughout the course. I will ever be proud of your efforts that resulted on me to get B+ in the course although I came from non-computer background where it was my first exposure to use such type of programing software. Thank you so much Prof Zaidatun, the knowledge and skills you shared with us as will as the kindness and keeping calm and happy even in a difficult time I have learnt from you will be a lightening marks in my personal and professional life.” – YAHYA M. AL-DHELEAI, M. Ed. (Edu Tech)