SKMM2713 [Manufacturing Processes]
Lecture Plan SKMM2713 updated
CLO SKMM2713 updated
Chapter 1 (An Introduction)
L1 Intro | L2 Intro | L3 Intro | L4 Intro | L5 Intro |
(Sustainability) extra
| Sustainable Manufacturing – Jawahir | manufacturing sustainability white paper) |
| Beyond the 3R to 6R concept – Jawahir | Green issues in manufacturing | Sustainable Products |
| Nissan sustainability showcase_21st_century_sustainable_manufacturing |
| matl select ch 9 DeGarmo |
- Notes/slides on Design and Materials Selection Methods compiled by Dr. Ali Ourdjini
Chapter 2 (Manufacturing Aspects -Geometrical, Dimensioning & Tolerances)
| Manufacturing Aspects | Limits & Fits | Product STANDARDIZATION Strategy |
| Limits & Fits extra| Brief overview of design and manufacturing extra |
| SYSTEM OF LIMITS, FITS, TOLERANCE AND GAUGING extra| Fits & Tolerances extra|
| BS4500 |Geocity-note |
Chapter 3 (Polymers & Processing)
| Polymer-structure, general property & applications | Polymers processing -1 |
| Processing Polymers -ver2 | Polymer processing -2 | Polymer processing -additives |
Chapter 4 (CAD/CAM/CNC)
|CAM-CAM-CNC – An Introduction | CAM-CAM-CNC-CNC Fundamentals | CAM-CAM-CNC-MILLING |
|CNC Programming | Computer Aided Design |
Chapter 5 (Metal Forming Processes)
| Metal_Forming_-_1-Introduction | Metal_forming_-_2-Rolling | Metal_Forming_-_3-Forging |
| Metal_Forming_-_4-Extrusion | Metal_Forming_-_5-Rod&Wire drawing | Metal_forming_6-_Sheet Metal |
Chapter 6 (Metal Casting processes)
| Timeline of CastingTechnology | Casting -An overview | Casting -Fundamental | Sand Casting Technique |
| Metal Casting -Expandable Casting Techniques | Metal Casting_Permanent Casting Techniques |
| Metal Casting -Casting Quality, etc | Relevant Table |
Chapter 7 (Joining Processes)
| Joining -1 | Joining -2 | Joining -3 | Intro to NDT |
Chapter 8 (Machining Processes)
| Metal Cutting -1 | Metal Cutting -2 | Metal Cutting -3 | Metal Cutting -4 | Metal Cutting -5 |
Past Year Papers collection —
1415-JULY |1415-DEC |1516-DEC |1617-JULY-SKMM2713 |1617-dec-SKMM2713| | | | | | |
SKMM2713-TEST1 (3) | SKMM2713-TEST1 (1) | SKMM2713-TEST1 (5) | SKMM2713-TEST1 (4)
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