Majlis Penyampaian Sijil Penghargaan Penggubal Polisi Indeks Patriotisme dan Perpaduan Nasional

Date : 15 March 2018




Anda semua telah berjaya mencipta sejarah untuk mewakili negara sehingga berada di peringkat ini, demikian luahan Presiden Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM), Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim.

PASIR GUDANG: Selepas kira-kira dua minggu beroperasi, Pusat Transformasi Bandar (UTC) Pasir Gudang di sini, berjaya mencatatkan kehadiran 15,000 pengunjung dengan kutipan hasil hampir RM1 juta.

Jabatan Kastam Diraja Malaysia (JKDM) mengenal pasti 5,000 syarikat yang didapati menipu membuat tuntutan termasuk mengelak membayar cukai barangan dan perkhidmatan (GST) sejak sistem pencukaian itu dilaksanakan pada 2015.

Ringgit meningkat 180 mata peratusan untuk mencecah paras tertinggi dalam tempoh 18 bulan hari ini susulan jangkaan peniaga mengenai kemungkinan kenaikan kadar faedah domestik pada minggu depan.

Bagi memastikan kemenangan besar Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-14 (PRU-14), rangkaian sahabat Puteri BN atau Azalea 2018 yang baru ditubuhkan hari ini, digesa bekerja dengan ikhlas dan bersungguh-sungguh dalam satu pasukan.



JOHOR BAHRU: Sultan Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar hari ini berkenan bertindak sebagai pendamai dalam mencari penyelesaian terhadap isu perobohan sebuah kuil Hindu di Seri Alam, baru-baru ini.

PONTIAN – Anak bongsu dari enam beradik, Nurul Farah Haida, 21 menyimpan impian untuk meraikan hari jadi ayah Mahabob Hasimat, 55 pada 31 Januari ini bersama seluruh ahli keluarga.

PONTIAN – Penambahan lorong jalan dalam kawasan Bandaraya Johor Bahru dari empat lorong kepada enam lorong bertujuan melancarkan aliran trafiknya pada masa depan.

Malaysia bakal mempunyai bangunan pencakar langit yang baharu apabila menara, The Exchange 106, yang dibangunkan menerusi projek mega The Razak Exchange (TRX) siap menjelang pertengahan tahun ini.

Kapten Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT), Safiq Rahim berhasrat mahu beraksi di peringkat kumpulan Liga Juara-juara Konfederasi Bola Sepak Asia (ACL) sebelum menggantung butnya dua ke tiga tahun lagi.


Kerajaan Negeri Johor melalui Pusat Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri Johor (EDC Of Johor) akan melaksanakan Insentif Bantuan PKS Johor 2018.Insentif ini bertujuan membantu usahawan di Johor mengembangkan perniagaan menerusi bantuan yang diperlukan dan yang berkaitan.

Syarat-syarat kelayakan ;

1.Penduduk Tetap Negeri Johor berumur 18-60 Tahun
2.Permohonan terbuka kepada semua perniagaan

Jenis Bantuan:

1.Bantuan peralatan perniagaan (Penjaja Kecil/Peniaga Pasar Lambak atau Berkaitan)

2.Bantuan mesin atau baikpulih premis perniagaan

3.Bantuan Pelabelan Produk (Keutamaan Selain Produk Makanan)

4.Bantuan Promosi Produk Ke Luar Negara (Untuk Syarikat Enterprise)

Borang permohonan boleh diambil di :

1. Pejabat Daerah seluruh Johor
2.Kaunter Pusat Pembangunan Usahawan Negeri Johor (EDC Of Johor)

Untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi talian :

07-2445644 ATAU emel

*Tarikh Tutup : 21 Februari 2018

Muar named Asean’s cleanest town

China Press, 16 January 2018

Muar was ranked the cleanest town in Malaysia early last year. The Minister of Tourism and Culture has again brought a good news – with this time being chosen as the cleanest town in Asean.

The Johor state government nominated Muar – Bandar Maharani Bandar Diraja for the Asean’s cleanest town award. After paying a visit to evaluate its cleanliness level of for its environment and surrounding areas, the organising committee has confirmed that Muar will receive the Asean’s cleanest town award.

MCA party whip Chris Lee Ching Yong, who is also Muar Municipal Councillor confirmed that the Muar Municipal has received the letter from the organising committee. Yang Dipertua of Muar Municipal Council Mustaffa Kamal Bin H. Shamsudin and representatives from the related tourism organisations will be going to ChiangMai, Thailand to receive the award.

Lee added that all of the people in the city are proud of the recognition on Muar. This award also recognises efforts put by the local government, government agencies, non-governmental organisations and private corporations as well as the public.

Lee confirmed that the Muar Municipal Council had spent over RM50 million to promote several cleanliness programmes in the state, including gotong-royong and support for recycling activities, preservation of canal, landscape and rivers.

He said both recognitions will increase the popularity of the town, and encourage more foreigners to visit the second-tier city to further promote its tourism development.

Lee said it is important to ensure the cleanliness of the city so that its tourism industry will continue with its growth momentum.

He said more efforts will be taken to focus on the beautification of the city and all projects will be implemented as scheduled to promote the city’s tourism industry.

Chris also mentioned that all restaurant operators and hawkers are not allowed to use polystyrene and they were instructed to install oil purification system to avoid pollution issue.

He added that the authority will restructure ten food courts in the city and generate new theme for the local popular food and products to attract more tourists to the city.

The popular tourist spot Tanjung Emas Muar will be lightened up at night, so that all visitors can enjoy their trips during day and night time.

One of the members of the History and Heritage Association Lee Wenyu said, the state is well prepared to welcome domestic and international tourists.The association is planning to undertake the beautification project in Jalan Mariam as well as building a corridor of murals. It is necessary for every citizen to take the responsibility of not littering rubbish.

Muar famous Tham Chiak Koey (or glutton street) hawkers association member Huang Yilei also proud of the award and hoping Muar people can work hard to maintain the cleanliness of the city. After completion of glutton street upgrading work, the hygiene level has seen improvement. It is hoped that all hawker can maintain the cleanliness level as well as to be more people friendly to attract more tourists.