QSR Brands (Promosi Gap Year, Intenship dan Kerjaya)

Tarikh : 14 Mei 2018

Lokasi : Dewan Konvensyen FAB, UTM

Masa : 2.00 – 4.00 pm

QSR Brands  ( KFC, Pizza Hutt, Ayamas, Life)


Roboxa / Meteorite Informatics Colloboration

19/1/18, 0930. Breakfast meeting with Roboxa and Meteorite Informatics representatives for international industry research collaboration at Deli Cafe, Scholar’s Inn UTMKL..with Mr Varma (Singapore) , Mr Sayed (USA), Prof Dr. Rashid and PM.Dr. Azlan Md Zain (Faculty of Computering, UTM and Dr Azlan Abdul Latib (Faculty of Education, UTM)…

industry colloberation