by azman | May 9, 2013 | Class of HCI 2012/2013
Saya berasal dari Perak , berumur 25 tahun memiliki Diploma kejuruteraan elektronik komputer dan sekarang berkhidmat sebagai Juruteknik Komputer .
by azman | May 9, 2013 | Class of HCI 2012/2013
To be Great concentrate
by azman | May 8, 2013 | Class of HCI 2012/2013
studies comes first !!!
by azman | May 8, 2013 | Class of HCI 2012/2013
I’m Information Technology Assistant Officer. Works at ILP Kepala Batas.Married and have 2 kids.Hopefully get great result and good CGPA in final year exam.
by azman | May 8, 2013 | Class of HCI 2012/2013
Pelajar Akhir Sem 2/20122013
by azman | May 7, 2013 | Class of HCI 2012/2013
I’m school’s computer technician, live at Kepala Batas, married and hv 3 kids. Hope this semester will boost my CGPA up higher, In Shaa Allah