Web Programming

Web Programming SCSV 1223 Section 04
Semester 2, 2020

Week1: Introduction
Overview to the course, the internet and web programming

Week 2 & 3: HTML
Introduction to the fundamentals of HTML and create your own Web site. The topics covered HTML Basics, Displaying elements: Colour, Font, Text, Image, Table, Forms.

Lab Exercise 1 (5%): HTML Form
Assignment 1 (15%): Web Performance, Optimization and Analysis

Week 4 & 5: CSS
Overview on how to create state-of-the-art Web sites using modern CSS and HTML techniques. The topics covered CSS Basics, CSS Selectors, and CSS Properties: Font, Background, Colour, Box Model, and Grid.

Video 1: CSS Box Model
Video 2: CSS with Flexbox
Lab Exercise 2 (5%) : HTML5 and CSS

Week 6: JavaScript Fundamentals
Introduction to the JavaScript as the client-side scripting languages for the web. The topics covered JavaScript Basics: Keywords, Variables, Operators, Control Statements: Selections and Repetitions, Arrays, Functions, Objects.

Video 3: Lesson 1 Javascript & console
Video 4: Lesson 2 Javascript & Console part 1/2
Video 5: Lesson 3 Javascript & Console part 2/2
Video 6: Lesson 4 JavaScript from lecture notes

Assignment 2 (10%) : Resume/CV Website

Week 7: JavaScript DOM
Introduce to the Document Object Model (DOM). The topic covers how to get, change, add, or delete HTML elements using DOM.

Week 8: Semester Break

Week 9: Examples of JavaScript Usage
Getting input from Form Elements, JS form Validation.CSS

Week 10: PHP Server-side programming
Introduction to server-side scripting languages for the web. The topics covered Keywords, Variables, Operators, etc. and Control Statements: Selections and Repetitions.

Week 11: PHP Server-side programming (continue)
Functions, Arrays, Web Variables

Week 12: Server Side Database Operation
Database Access:  Connecting to a MySQL database, dealing with SQL Queries

Week 13: Cookies and Session
Usage of cookies and session in web development

Week 14: Example Applications:
Authenticating Users and Pages, Data population (from MySQL to HTML table).

Week 15: Project Presentation