Archives for November 20, 2020

Higher Education Ministry urges students, lecturers, staff to cooperate with authorities in curbing Covid-19 spread

PETALING JAYA: The Higher Education Ministry has called upon students, lecturers and staff of higher education institutions (HEIs) to continuously cooperate with authorities in curbing the spread of Covid-19.

Pointing out that the accumulated number of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia has reached 48,520 as of Nov 16, Higher Education Minister Datuk Dr Noraini Ahmad said all levels of society – including students and academics – must cooperate with authorities to contain the number of Covid-19 cases.

“In less than a year, accumulated Covid-19 cases worldwide has reached 54.4mil. Death cases reached 1.32mil.”

She added that everyone should adopt CAPP (cegah, amal, patuh, pantau) in the current situation.

Read more HERE.

Better animals than humans …ver1.0

Dogs really are man’s best friends. Ping An, a young Golden Retriever, managed to walk 100km to get back home. It was a long, 14-day trip through China for this one-year-old dog whose name means “safe and sound” in Mandarin.

This heart-warming story was published on Ladbible’s website. Ping An’s owners had arranged for the dog to stay with friends in Nantong while their house was undergoing renovations. However, young Ping An decided to sneak out to go back home in Qidong, 100km away, near the Yellow Sea.

According to the British site, the Golden Retriever took off after spending four months at the home of her temporary caretakers. Ping An disappeared for two weeks, but ended up back in her hometown of Qidong. The final day of her incredible journey was captured on camera by city office workers. Unable to find her owner’s house, the young skinny dog was photographed lying down in front of a building with injured paws after her long journey.

The employees posted Ping An’s photos on popular Chinese social network WeChat, where her owners recognised her. In a video showing their reunion, her owners are seen saying to the dog: “Ping An, you’ve worked hard. You just stay home from now on. (We) would never send you away,” according to Ladbible. The Golden Retriever was taken to a vet upon her return but is in good shape now.

Oddly enough, this story is very similar to a previous one involving a seven-year-old dog called Dou Dou, who was accidentally forgotten in a gas station in the Hangzhou region.

After a 26-day trek and about 60km, Dou Dou managed to find its home and surprised owners. This story made Chinese headlines two weeks ago. – AFP Relaxnews

Coronavirus is MOST infectious in the five days after symptoms first appear, study suggests – highlighting the need to isolate cases early

Lead author Dr Muge Cevik, of the University of St Andrews, said: ‘This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis that has comprehensively examined and compared viral load and shedding for… three human coronaviruses.’

It found that the level of virus causing the current pandemic is highest at the time symptoms begin, or before day five of symptoms. 

In contrast, the viral loads of SARS and MERS-CoV peaked at 10-14 days and 7-10 days after symptom onset, respectively.

Read more HERE.

25,000 particles of plastic in a cuppa: Drinking tea or coffee from paper cups may raise risk of cancer from swallowing microplastics, experts warn

This coffee paper cup

is a wake up call. It’s better to bring your own cup to any Starbucks of McDonalds.