Year 2021 will pick recovery of 2020. It’s expected to emerge from challenging 2020 in Q2 2021. This is what expert predicting based on vaccine distribution started on early Dec 2020. But I believed it will be long recovery..
Greater China, India and ASEAN will be the new economic empire..? May be…hope so.. Hope 2021 will be recovery not another black swan event.
I believe that the school must represent present life – life as real and vital to the child as that which he carries on in the home, in the neighborhood, or on the playground.
— John Dewey (My Pedagogic Creed)
“… The teachers were to present real life problems to the children and then guide the students to solve the problem by providing them with a hands-on activity to learn the solution … Cooking and sewing was to be taught at school and be a routine. Reading, writing, and math was to be taught in the daily course of these routines. Building, cooking, and sewing had these schooling components in it and these activities also represented everyday life for the students.”[4]
— Peggy Hickman
In higher education implementation teaching by doing through physical modeling sees increasing use in geotechnical engineering education, there is a need for a strategic approach for integrating this powerful simulation technique into courses in a way that ensures the greatest benefit for students. For this reason, a learning theory approach, which recognizes the natural learning cycle of students, has been developed. The approach is based on amodified version of the learning theorist David Kolb’s “theory of experiential learning.” The approach emphasizes a variety of learning styles and thus is appealing to a broad range of students. The approach is relatively easy to apply to traditional geotechnical engineering coursework and requires only a modest effort to adopt. It is expected that by using this approach when designing course modules,instructors can increase the likelihood that comprehensive learning will take place.
She has been in your life since you are tiny in her womb. Her scarifice is paramount to bring you to the world. Either she being “house manager” which the backbone of the family or working in the tough world. She always that for you. Being mum, wife and may be an Engineer , all the struggles sometimes have it’s up and down.
I said, that’s life (that’s life) and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks
Stompin’ on a dream
But I don’t let it, let it get me down
‘Cause this fine old world it keeps spinnin’ around
I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate
A poet, a pawn and a king
I’ve been up and down and over and out
And I know one thing
Each time I find myself flat on my face
I pick myself up and get back in the race
That’s Life
Song by Frank Sinatra
My salute to a creation called woman so a special gift to fuel their motivation I would like to share a motivation e book to them, so never give up especially “A WOMAN ENGINEER “
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, especially in School of Civil Engineering had been producing a good quality professional with all set of generic skills. We have proved to produce a prominent leader in politics, business and government sectors. Among important skills are leadership, teamworking and communication. It is confusing at first and second year of study in Civil Engineering why those skills are important. With the confusion, the student required some understanding of those skills before that can acquire it through training in classroom, laboratory and fieldwork.
In School of Civil Engineering, we had a programme known as Survey Camp which been introduced in the first year. In summary, this programme instils the technical knowledge and integrate with real engineering problems with the development of three generic skills such as leadership, team working and communication. Following are some link of videos in related generic skills. Please enjoy watching.
Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home.
Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and can include:
Feeling sad or having a depressed mood
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
Changes in appetite — weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting
Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
Loss of energy or increased fatigue
Increase in purposeless physical activity (e.g., hand-wringing or pacing) or slowed movements and speech (actions observable by others)
Feeling worthless or guilty
Difficulty thinking, concentrating or making decisions
Thoughts of death or suicide
Symptoms must last at least two weeks for a diagnosis of depression.
Also, medical conditions (e.g., thyroid problems, a brain tumor or vitamin deficiency) can mimic symptoms of depression so it is important to rule out general medical causes.
Depression affects an estimated one in 15 adults (6.7%) in any given year. And one in six people (16.6%) will experience depression at some time in their life. Depression can strike at any time, but on average, first appears during the late teens to mid-20s. Women are more likely than men to experience depression. Some studies show that one-third of women will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime. (
In Malaysia, mental health cases have increases up 40% (read it in latest newpaper articles) due to concern in Malaysian citizens in recent years.
In newspaper excerpt following Mental health of Malaysian students cause of worry: Health Ministry causes me to worry more on my children development in coming years. Following are details of the paper excerpt
KUALA LUMPUR: Health Ministry statistics reveal a worsening state of mental health problems among Malaysian students, from one in 10 individuals in 2011 to one in five in 2016.
Experts cite anxiety and depression as the main causes of mental health problems among students although not ruling out the influence of drugs as a factor.
One of them, Dr Mohd Suhaimi Mohamad, said a prolonged state of mental health problems could make students become withdrawn, suffer from schizophrenia and develop the inclination to commit suicide.
The tendency to take one’s own life could become more severe if the mental health problems were not addressed within a period of two years, he said, adding that this was a serious matter that was often neglected.
Referring to the causes, Dr Mohd Suhaimi said anxiety developed from trauma, emotional disorders such as bulimia, developmental disorders such as hyperactivity, behaviourial disorders and severe stress due to family problems.
He said anxiety could be attributed to pressure of examinations that might instil fear in students.
“Low self-confidence as a result could cause a student to be in a state of worry and stress, coupled with the pressure from parents and teachers who drive them to be competitive.
“Besides studies, the fear of embarrassment over any matter could push students towards extreme consternation,” he told Bernama.
In a state of restlessness, a student would normally experience heavy sweating at all times and a pounding heart, inability to sleep at night and insomnia that could take a toll on his or her health if these were to prolong, he said.
“Depression, on the other hand, makes an individual isolate himself or herself from others,” Dr Mohd Suhaimi said, adding that the signs of extreme depression were sudden mood changes that led to extreme anger.
This could also occur due to heredity factors inherited from family members with mental health problems, he said.
Dr Mohd Suhaimi did not rule out the possibility of mental health problems stemming from the pressure from parents for their children to excel in the academic field.
“Parents should help their children live a normal life and not force them to study solely to meet their own expectations,” he said.
Dr Mohd Suhaimi said that once a child was diagnosed to have a mental health problem, treatment could be administered through the biopsychosocial way with an individual interacting with the patient so that the latter did not feel isolated and did not act aggressively.
“Besides, the administration of medication regularly can control and prevent a person from sliding towards mental illness,” he said.
He also said that the individual should be given guidance and support by those around him or her, especially parents, to rebuild his or her confidence.
“Parents should extend support and encouragement to children with mental health problems to prevent the condition from worsening,” he said. — Bernama
Mungkin ramai yang tak berani beli rumah sebab tak tahu proses dan prosedur yang terlibat.
Sebab terlampau baru, ramai yang tak berani nak bertindak sebab tak tahu selok-belok membeli rumah pertama.
Takut pula kalau “terkena” nanti. Ya lah, banyak duit boleh lebur kalau tersalah langkah kan?
Kalau ini masalah korang, Tok cadangkan untuk teruskan bacaan sampai habis.
Tuan Arif Hussin ada kongsikan tutorial membeli rumah secara komprehensif dan mudah nak hadam. Semoga ia bermanfaat buat korang semua.
Anda dijamin berani bertindak bila dah tahu prosedur ini.
Prosedur beli rumah mungkin asing bagi korang yang bercadang membeli hartanah pertama.
Membeli hartanah secara amnya, melibatkan 5 langkah:
Membuat persediaan pembelian,
membuat tawaran,
mendapatkan khidmat guaman dan pinjaman,
menandatangani perjanjian,
Urusan pindah milik.
Mengetahui prosedur adalah penting kerana ianya dapat:
Membantu anda membuat perancangan, dan
Mengelakkan kelewatan yang boleh menyebabkan kerugian.
Dalam tutorial kali ini, saya akan berkongsi tentang jangkamasa dan prosedur membeli hartanah.
Apa yang anda perlu sediakan sebelum membeli rumah?
Korang dah bersedia bersedia untuk membeli rumah, kalau cukup syarat di bawah ini:
Ada 10% tunai dari nilai rumah untuk deposit (30% deposit untuk rumah ketiga dan seterusnya). Untuk pengeluaran KWSP, kebanyakan pemilik masih memerlukan korang membayar deposit dahulu & kemudian baru buat pengeluaran,
Ada tunai 4% dari nilai rumah untuk kos guaman dan duti setem,
layak buat pinjaman dengan bank atau perunding hartanah,
Untuk pinjaman sedia ada (pinjaman peribadi, kad kredit), korang dah urus bayaran dengan baik dan tak ada sebarang kelewatan,
jika berkerja tetap, status perkerjaan korang dah confirm sebagai pekerja tetap, atau melebihi 6 bulan,
dokumen untuk permohonan pinjaman dan guaman lengkap,
mesti ada sedikit komitmen. Kalau bersih, tak pernah ada pinjaman, susah juga bank nak terima. Dapatkan credit card, guna sikit, bayar terus dalam tempoh grace period yang ditetapkan.
Masuk pula bab surat tawaran.
Setelah memilih hartanah untuk dibeli, korang akan menandatangani surat tawaran.
Korang dinasihatkan supaya meneliti terma-terma dalam surat tawaran tersebut.
Korang juga akan membuat bayaran sebanyak 3% sebagai wang tanda jadi, atau booking fee dekat agensi hartanah.
Agensi hartanah akan bertindak sebagai pemegang amanah. Ini bagi memastikan wang diurus dengan selamat dan adil.
Tip elakkan booking fee anda hangus begitu saja.
Pastikan kita berurusan dengan perunding hartanah berdaftar. Minta mereka tunjukkan tag & business card,
Kalau beli terus dengan pemilik, wang tanda jadi dibayar dekat peguam sebagai pemegang amanah,
Baca, teliti dan patuh klausa perjanjian (offer to purchase),
Pastikan kita layak meminjam berkadaran dengan harga rumah. Letak klausa wang tanda jadi (booking fee) akan dipulangkan kalau pinjaman tak lulus.
Macam mana nak dapatkan khidmat guaman dan pinjaman perumahan?
Apabila tawaran dipersetujui pemilik, kita perlu mendapatkan pinjaman jika belian dibuat melalui pembiayaan.
Selain itu, kita juga perlu mendapatkan khidmat guaman untuk mengurus pindah milik hartanah dan pinjaman.
Untuk kemudahan, kebanyakan ejen hartanah boleh membantu untuk menghubungkan pembeli dengan peguam dan juga jurubank.
Tip memilih peguam yang ohsem.
Peguam ni ada kepakaran masing-masing.
Seeloknya pilihlah yang berpengalaman dalam mengurus jual beli hartanah.
Jangan tergesa-gesa dalam memilih. Terutama kalau kita pakai pinjaman kerajaan yang perlukan banyak bantuan dari mereka. Minta pendapat rakan taulan atau perunding hartanah.
Siapkan dokumen ini sebelum buat pinjaman perumahan.
Untuk mereka yang berkerja tetap, berikut adalah senarai dokumen yang perlu disediakan untuk memohon pinjaman perumahan dan juga untuk tujuan guaman:
Salinan kad pengenalan,
slip gaji 3 bulan,
bank statement 3 bulan,
EPF statement dan /atau borang EA,
dokumen sokongan untuk pendapatan sampingan (sewa, ASB, atau lain-lain),
Surat tunjuk minat membeli rumah (surat tawaran / tunjuk minat / booking form).
Tiba masa untuk tandatangan surat perjanjian.
Dalam tempoh 14 hari berkerja selepas surat tawaran dipersetujui, anda dan pemilik akan menandatangani perjanjian jual beli atau Sales and Purchase Agreement (S&P).
Kita juga perlu membuat bayaran baki 7% kepada peguam. Wang tanda jadi 3% ditambah dengan baki 7% ini menjadi deposit 10% untuk rumah tersebut.
Proses uruskan pindah milik hartanah jenis pegangan bebas (freehold).
Kemudian, proses pindah milik bermula. Proses ini diurus dengan bantuan peguam dan perlu diselesaikan dalam tempoh 90 hari.
Bayaran baki 90% harga hartanah juga perlu dibuat oleh kita atau bank dalam tempoh ini.
Untuk hartanah berstatus hakmilik kekal atau ‘freehold’ tempoh 90 hari ini bermula dari tarikh perjanjian jual beli.
Apa nak buat kalau hartanah itu bukan jenis pegangan bebas (freehold)?
Ini adalah berbeza untuk hartanah selain freehold. Contohnya hartanah:
Berstatus hakmilik pajakan (atau leasehold),
geran induk belum disempurnakan.
Pindah milik untuk hartanah ini perlu mendapat kebenaran dari pihak berkuasa negeri atau pemaju.
Proses ini boleh memakan masa antara 1 hingga 6 bulan. Tempoh 90 hari untuk menyelesaikan pindah milik hanya bermula setelah kebenaran diperoleh.
Apa akan jadi kalau terlewat?
Kalau proses pindah milik dan bayaran 90% baki harga hartanah tak diselesaikan dalam tempoh 90 hari, pembeli akan diberi tempoh tambahan 30 hari.
Dalam tempoh ini pembeli dikenakan penalti, amnya pada kadar faedah 8% setahun.
Ambil kunci rumah.
Setelah kesemua proses ini selesai, pembeli akan menerima kunci rumah daripada pemilik.
Macam mana? Masih rasa susah lagi ke nak beli rumah?
Tok yakin korang semua orang yang bijak belaka, yang nak ubah nasib kewangan diri sendiri dan keluarga. In Shaa Allah dengan ilmu ini, korang lebih berani bertindak selepas ini.
Normal. Manusia takut pada sesuatu perkara yang mereka tak tahu. Dan sekarang, korang dah tahu. Tok yakin korang dah tak takut macam dulu. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi?
Temuramah di BERNAMA 24 bersama tuan bri (Mentor Pelaburan Hartanah Muslim) berkenaan dengan hartanah di Johor. Di dalam temuramah 30 minit membincangkan potensi pelaburan hartanah terutama di Johor Baharu.
Di dalam meningkat kapasiti Surau Al Taqwa , Bandar Baru Kangkar Pulai dari 300 orang ke 1200 orang. Pihak pengurusan Surau Al Taqwa telah merancang draf awal pembangunan. In Sya Allah moga perjalanan pembangunan ini berjalan lancar.