
Dr. Mariyana Aida Ab Kadir is a Senior Lecturer at the Structure and Materials Department, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). She is the Research Fellow at the Institute of Noise and Vibration (INV) and Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research (eSEER). After completing her secondary education at Mara Junior Science Collage, she pursue her B.Eng in Civil Engineering at UTM with First Class Honours and Chancellor’s Award in 2005. She was awarded with Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for M.Sc in Earthquake Engineering and Seismology Engineering at two universities; University of Pavia, Italy and Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble France before completing a PhD at University of Edinburgh, Scotland United Kingdom in Structural Seismic and Fire Engineering. She is a members of Institute of Fire Engineers (MIFireE) and Professional Technologists (TS) from Member Board of Technologists.
Dr. Mariyana research interest focuses on the vulnerability of structures expose to risk of hazards for earthquake and fire, soil-structure interaction, input ground motion for structural design, new structural system for earthquake and fire, and durability of concrete materials. She particularly focuses on the earthquake and fire performance of concrete structure.
Since she come back from PhD study in 2013, she have been given an opportunity to leads research grants awarded from Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia under Fundamental Research Grants Scheme for Project Performance of Treated Rubberised Fiber Concrete Under Earthquake and Fire Loadings, University Research Grant Tier 1, Public Work Department Collaboration Research Grant and Potential Academic Scheme Grant for Fire Resistance of Earthquake Damaged Reinforced Concrete Columns. Participating in the CARE-RISK: UK- Malaysia awarded by Newton Fund with the total amount of RM450,000.
Dr. Mariyana and her research team activity participate in competition national and international level. In 2019, her team has been selected as the winner for Beyond Bauhaus – Prototyping The Future in Berlin German. In 2018 won a gold medal in Malaysia Technology Exco. They won a medal in ITEX and INATEX.
Dr. Mariyana being actively involved in committee members for Malaysia Standard in developing National Annex for Earthquake Engineering and Structure Fire Engineering. MOSTI Inter-Agency Committee on Earthquake and Tsunami, and Research on The Sabah Earthquake 2015. Dr Mariyana is optimistic that the Sabah Earthquake 2015 as an enlightenment that seismic effects have to consider into the structural design of structure depending on the intensity of earthquake locations in Malaysia.
Dr Mariyana been given a chance to work together with her research members in consultation work for the government and private section for evaluation of structure performance subjected to earthquake and fire loadings. A part of that, Dr Mariyana actively involved in Structural Fire Engineering research. She involved in material testing in fire, and structure behaviour in fire following earthquake. She is selected as a Technical Advisor for SIRIM QAS International Sdn. Bhd in evaluating the fire testing.
In 2023, Dr Mariyana has been given to work with Fire Group at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with Prof Asif Usmani and Dr Liming Jiang for three months to develop a source code using OpenSees and Machine Learning for structural fire engineering analysis.
Ts Assoc Prof. Ts Dr Mariyana is looking forward to work with any researchers or industry parners and explore more exciting research collaboration.

“So indeed hardship is ease. Indeed with hardship is ease”. Alam Nashrah-Chapter 94:Verse 5-6