Anugerah Inovasi Negara (2013)



The selected booth and products displayed at the entrance of the exhibition. The finalist was chosen based on their commercialization activity, secured IP and copyrights, fundings, global networking and marketability


During judging and explanation of the product “M-Trap” for Preventing Borne Diseases. The product was described as follows:


Recognizing this, a study was conducted by the Department of the Environment, the Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia to produce a practical mosquito traps innovation in overcoming the disease bring by mosquito. This trap’s idea is to take into account the attractiveness of mosquito other than the frequency of mosquitoes produced by female mosquitoes, and carbon dioxide production. Through the findings, mosquito tends to reach out to the black clothing rather than bright clothing. Moreover, it is often found in areas that are moist and less exposure. Therefore, black color has been chosen as a puller in the innovation of the mosquito trap. Horizontal Fan Trap is designed to control mosquito-borne diseases. The intention of this innovation is to preserve our environment and ecosystem while keeping us save working through our days. Most mosquito trap and repellant does not meet all these demands. DEET contain aerosol, fogging, and CO2 emitting trap has effect to our respiratory system, health, and green house. The usage of UV light otherwise afflicts many other insect especially flies, bees, and moths whereby, little do we know that these insects have major contribution to human and environmental needs like honey-production and pollination.


This invention is mainly to develop a practical mosquito trap for the control of Dengue Fever, Chiqun Gunya, Malaria, West Nile fever and other diseases caused by harmful mosquitoes. On the other hand, Horizontal Trap also designed specifically to prevail the traps for the control those diseases as the contribution to the world based on the collaboration of government-academic-industry (New Academia).


 Horizontal Fan Trap has been built using steel grid bi-polar black polycarbonate sheets connected to fan power (12V, 1A and 12W) with the overall size of 400x400mm to be a magnet for mosquitoes. The surface of the steel grid is connected to a circuit unit which is capable of producing high enough voltage (100V-240V) to kill mosquitoes. During operation, the surface of the black grid will draw attention to approaching mosquitoes. When the mosquito touches the surface of the grid, it will receive electrical shock until death. To ensure the devices operate efficiently, especially in terms of electricity consumption, it is also equipped with a sensor that controls the unit “ON” and “OFF” operation when the sensor is touched the water, it will send a signal to the circuit to stop operations until the surface of the sensor is to be dry again. This method is very suitable to be used in countries such as Malaysia, based on the rainfall rate factors that occur throughout the year.


  1. Target Markets

Target markets for this mosquito trap are in Malaysia such as school, hospital, camping area and recreational parks, industrial estate, residential and commercial area as well as other affected country around South East Asia.

  1. Business Model

Patent (IP) application for mosquito trap has been made in Japan and Malaysia

IP Filing No.:  1. PI 2012002092 (Mosquito Attracting Apparatus)

                         2. PI 2012002095 (Mosquito Extermination Method)

                         3. PCT/JP2011/067067 (Mosquito Attracting Trap)

                         4. PCT/JP2011/067068 (Mosquito Exterminating Apparatus)

Investor: Takeda Co. Ltd., Japan

Establishment: Spin-off Company @ UTM ICC

Launching Market: City Council and Government Establishment

Targetted Future Market: South East Asia

Endorsement: Ministry of Health

  1. Promotion Strategies
  • Promotion and advertisement through medias
  • Appointed distributor in each major city of the country
  • Quality control only by company member
  • Outsourcing manufacturing company