My Entrepreneurial Short Story: My Motivation of New Academia


My MENTOR of the Proposed Research-Business Model: Prof. Dr. Iwao KENZO (NIT, Japan): Professor of NIT (Japan) and ex-vice president of power plant industry of Chubu Power Electric (Japan)

[Ir. Dr. Mohd Fadhil Md Din: BEM (Professional Engineer), MIEM (Corporate Member), MWA, IWA, IMarst, SER]

Aim and Objectives

General objective of the proposed entrepreneur activities in Research-Business Model are as follows:

  1. To propose a sustainable and green product from waste material of local products.
  2. To enhance a significant R&D collaboration between university, industry and governmental institutions, as New Academia strategy.
  3. To create some potential aspects of pre-commercialization, pilot-plant development and fundamental entrepreneurship to student, and academic staff


My ultimate Research-Business Model goal is to inculcate the essential knowledge of the environment among engineering students and later become responsible engineers who practice sustainable development and help preserve the natural environment for future generations, as I always refer as Public and Private Merits. Furthermore, I hope the students are better equipped with the generic and communication skills required of them in the professional soft-skill.  Students should be trained to be effective in teamwork, able to analyze and strive for a life-long learning. I hope to continue to achieve a higher level of excellence and further help the University obtain the top-ranking university and contribute to the society by educating entrepreneurial aspects.  As our University’s Scorecard for 2013 is represent in Key Amal Indicator, I would like to enhance the transformation and leadership programme among my postgraduate student. Therefore, most of their research project will be attaching with corporate and industrial-company collaboration especially at international level, as similar model proposed for Urban Heat Island (UHI) Project and Mosquito-Trap Diseases Control. The students will active participate with some specific training, e.g. INNO-PITCH Interview, SME Presentation, 5DOI Workshop and CEO Training. As I was attended and trained for the specific activity, the student will get more benefit especially to enhance their entrepreneur skills and leadership transformation. At the moment, two of my students was delivered to achieve the target and they are now more confidently to attain the concept of entrepreneurial and job-creation within their study. Furthermore, the proposed spin-off company in UTM will initiate the  employment from the student after graduation.

In 2009/10, I have been appointed as Young Fostering Scholarship under NIT research fund. The scheme was allocated for Research-Business Model that incorporate the “DNA Institution” and cultures of New Academia within academic institutions. Since then, I had received few types of grant, sponsor and international networking, especially to initiate (or replicate) some similar achievement in Malaysia. The joint-collaboration of Triple Helix mechanisms (Institutional-Industry-Government) was developed by prominent professor and private professional, in Japan for past few years ago. The Japanese institution already initiate the transformation plan of university negotiation by appointing someone from industry to be as New Academicians! Currently, I personally make a good relationship with all collaborators to propose New Entrepreneurial Research strategy; by setting up the spin-off company with initiative of private and public merits. Moving towards the policy from university and government, a green and sustainable concept is seriously undertaken at any level of research development, including the preparation of business plan. As our commercialization product and services are in pipeline, all proposed products will be studying by selecting an appropriate personnel (Research Assistant or Technical Staff), as it may enhance the practicality of commercial products and help to boost the New Academia at institutional and industrial levels. The master plan is to bring both aspect of R&D and commercialization in a long run, as the great influence via Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS). The BOS in the planning focuses on the ‘environmental’ friendship between all parties involves, as stated in Triple Helix mechanisms. Therefore, most of the proposed R&D within our product and services considers the NEW ACADEMIA solution, with BOS implementation.


Our Experiment, and Dreams of Cool-City!

Millions times effort to investigate the causes of Urban Heat Island. But, the BIG QUESTION, HOW TO PREVENT IT?


Some achievements and future R&D with the Cool-Island Technology experience in Japan. The similar New Academia will provide in UTM to encourage the culture of business-research venture among students. Our team is committed to demonstrate and provide a first initiative of “Improvise Albedo Design for Thermal Heat Reduction in City”

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Short Video and Promotion – Cool Pavement and Mosquito Trap

This is the current promotion of our product and research material for business activity. Have a look!

CIP_Tech[click] (technology of cooling heat island causes from solar radiation in the city)

M-Trap[click] (technology of mosquito trap and preventing of diseases without any chemical usage)