My Postgraduate Topics


Abstract/Executive Summary

Generally, landfill leachate treatment is focused on the removal of organic matter and nitrogen as well as toxic substances during treatment. Biological treatment is a method for the removal organics from landfill leachate.  Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) can offer an effective and environmental friendly method for pre-treatment of landfill leachates. This research focuses on the treatment of landfill leachate using combined advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) and activated sludge reactor. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of the combined treatment in treating landfill leachate. The effect of different AOPs such H2O2, Fenton, Ozone and UV radiation and their combination on the COD removal will be compared in this study. The best treatment option of treatment will be selected. In addition, the aim of this research is to investigate the performance of combined advanced oxidation processes and porous membrane activated sludge reactor at various organic loading rates (OLRs).

Development of Practical Mosquito Trap to Control Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Abstract/Executive Summary

The World Health Organization (WHO) cited that over 45 percent of the world population lives in the risky area afflicted with mosquito-borne diseases. Pathogens like Dengue, Malaria, West Nile, Chikungunya has eventually emerged as world’s alternative killer besides the major diseases like heart diseases, tuberculosis, and many more. Many prevention act and methods has been put in force to mitigate the situation but the satisfactory outcome still has yet to be achieved. In Malaysia, commonly used methods to fight this epidemic are like demolishing known mosquito breeding area, setting up mosquito net, mosquito coil, fogging, aerosol spray, and etc. Sadly, from many efforts and billions of dollars invested, the epidemic continues frightening us all. Scientist all over the world has pulling their huge effort to find vaccination to halt this issue, however, due to the ability of some pathogens to mutilate makes it impossible at this moment. Besides, off the commercialized mosquito trap and repellent available has a major effect on environmental ecosystem and human health let alone the operating cost. Hence, the best way to fight against this virus is by highly understanding the characteristic of its transmission mediator, the mosquito. Mosquito is known to be more attracted to dark and dim area. Practically, one who wear black outfit is more likely to get bitten by mosquito compared to one wearing brightly colored outfit. Thus, black is the main feature of this mosquito trap innovation. By having black grid as attractant, mosquitoes approaching the trap will be electrocuted by a high voltage from power supply through the grid. A test to this innovation has been put to place and the result gathered is very significant. Neither using expensive CO2 emission as attractant nor DEET as repellent, huge amount of mosquitoes has been captured by this innovation sparing many other insects. With simple application plus on hand materials, it saves all being in this world.

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