Sharpen your ‘axe’

 There was a newly joined woodcutter and the king was really impressed by his dedication towards his work. Out of encouragement, he started giving his best in work and cut 18 trees in the first month and the king was glad.

The next month he put in the same effort but could cut only 15 trees. And the third month, he still tried his best but could cut only 12 trees. The king visited him the third month and talked about his decrease in productivity.

He explained that he might have lost his strength or got too old to do the work. The king asked him “when was the last time you sharpened your ax?” To the surprise, he has not even done it once in the last three months. That was the only reason why he couldn’t cut more trees.

Moral: It is good that you put in a lot of effort and hard work to work towards your goals. But you should balance your life priorities and invest time with your family and save some time to relax which would boost up your productivity.


“Don’t let any situation intimidate you, defeat you, or conquer you. you are stronger and smarter than anything that challenges you.”

Lolly Daskal


“Good luck belongs to those who know how and are not afraid.”


John Hay to President Theodore Roosevelt


“In leadership, skills may take you where character won’t keep you.”


Mike Ayers, Power to Lead: Five Essentials for the Practice of Biblical Leadership


“Humility and competence are the keys to a successful life.”
Clifford Cohen


“. . to be exceptional in whatever your endevour is you must possess the “4 C’s” : Consistency, Commitment, Creativity and Competence.”
Soke Behzad Ahmadi, Shorinjiryu Ryujin Kenpo


“It’s easier to donate a few thousands to charity and think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement. It’s simple to seek substitutes for competence—such easy substitutes: love, charm, kindness, charity. But there is no substitute for competence.”


Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead


“We pass judgements as to merits in areas we have no competence.”


Benson IV


“The cost of a range of appropriate courses and training activities is much less than the cost of incompetence.”


Robin Hoyle, Complete Training: From Recruitment to Retirement


“If you’re waiting until you feel talented enough to make it, you’ll never make it.”


Criss Jami, Healology