Terbitan asal pada April 27, 2011
22th does not exist, 22nd is right 1=1st 2=2nd 3=3rd 4=4th then this rule applicable till 20th (5th , 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 20th etc)then we follow this rule (1st=21st , 2nd=22nd , 3rd=23rd )from 21 to 23 4=4th=24th then the previous rule of “th“ applicable from 24th to 30th Then 1=1st =31st Hope the will remove you confusion
Tidak ada tulisan atau perkataan ini ’22th’ yang ada ialah ’22nd’ 1=1st 2=2nd 3=3rd 4 (4th) hingga 20 (20th) dengan ‘th’ di belakang (4th, 5th , 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th hingga 20th etc) dari 21 hingga 23 (1st=21st , 2nd=22nd , 3rd=23rd ) ulang dari 4 (4th) hingga 30 (30th) 4=4th=24th “th“ digunakan dari 24th hingga 30th kemudian 1=1st =31st begitulah seterusnya 1st untuk 21st, 31st, 41st dan seterusnya 2nd untuk 22nd, 32nd, 42nd seterusnya 3rd for 23rd, 33rd, 43rd semua yang berakhir dengan 4 hingga 30 menggunakan th dibelakang
A woman’s Apple Watch allowed her to call 911 save her after was allegedly buried alive by her husband She is Young Sook An on Sunday October 16, 2022 Location, Washington, US
Koba Superdeep Borehole reached 12,262 m in 1989, was expected to reach 15,000 m in 1993 but fail due to unexpected higher temperatur, 180°C in this depth location
Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, is the biggest car collector of the world with 7,000 cars
If viewed from a high place, such as from an airplane, the rainbow can be seen as a full 360 degree circle, but if you are sitting on the ground, the low viewing angle makes the rainbow appear to be a half circle.
In China, if you are stuck in a traffic jam, for a fee of $60, 2 people will come to your vehicle, one will take your car to the destination, the other will send you by motorcycle
Sterile Cockpit is a critical phase when operating an aircraft. It is an offense and can be prosecuted if the pilot talks about something that is not related to the operation of the flight
Source :
Air Crash Investigation, National Geographic Channel
Fatal Familial Insomnia (FFI) is Genetic condition that affect your brain and central nervous system. Patients can’t sleep till die. Life expectancy is 6 months to 6 years
RM369 million is expected to be spent by the government in 2030 to care for vaping patients. Avoidable things and costs that should be paid for through taxes by vape buyers
When the ship sinks, Chief Engineer, 30 engineers, 2 boilermakers, plumber & clerk, no one is safe. They are on duty to ensure that all systems work to allow passengers escaped.
In the past, drive-through facilities were provided for soldiers who could not leave their vehicles while on duty at Fort Huachuca Army Base
In 1937, Dick and Mac McDonald established the company named Airdome in California for selling hot dog. The founder of Burger King was inspired by the McDonald’s company.
Dick and Mac McDonald pada 1937 membuka gerai hot dog dengan nama Airdome di California. Pengasas Burger King mendapat ilham dari Syarikat Mcd
Kootu Funds Is An Offense Punishable With A Fine Not Exceeding 50 Thousand Or To Imprisonment For A term Not Exceeding 10 Years Or To Both Under Section 3 (1), The Flea Fund (Prohibition) Act 1971 (Act 28)
Wrigley Originally Sold Soap, They Gave Free Baking Powder, But Baking Powder Was More Popular, Then They Sold Baking Powder And Gave Free Chewing Gum, When Chewing Gum Was More Popular, They Started Selling Chewing Gum
In 2007 Scientists Succeeded In Turning On A Light Without Using Wires Within 7 Feet Of A Power Station But Nikola Tesla Was Said To Do It 4 Miles Away In 1901
Sehari di Jupiter = 10 jam di bumi A day on Jupiter = 10 earth hours
Setahun Di Mercury = 88 hari di dunia A year on Mercury = 88 earth day
Dan mereka meminta kepadamu (Muhammad) agar azab itu disegerakan, padahal Allah tidak menyalahi janji-Nya. Dan sesungguhnya sehari di sisi Tuhanmu adalah seperti seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu.
Surah al-Hajj ayat 47 (22:47)
Dia mengatur segala urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepada-Nya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya (lamanya) adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu.
Chickens are able to detect infrared light and humans cannot. Prophet Muhammad, who lived 1500 years ago, stated that angels were created from light and that chickens are able to see angels
Sebab itu ayam berkokok sebelum matahari terbit, kerana ayam sudah mengesan kehadiran cahaya +/- 45 lebih awal
Chickens see daylight about 45 minutes before human do
The rooster is able to see angles, as stated by Prophet Muhammad 1500 years ago
oleh Abu Hurairah RA “Jika kamu mendengar ayam berkokok maka mohonlah kepada Allah SWT akan kurniaan-Nya, kerana ia (ayam) melihat malaikat. Dan apabila kamu mendengar bunyi (suara) keldai maka mohon perlindunganlah kepada Allah SWT daripada Syaitan, kerana ia (keldai) sedang melihat syaitan”. [Riwayat al-Bukhari, no. Hadith 3058, Muslim, no. Hadith 4908, Abu Daud, no. Hadith 4438 dan al-Tirmizi, no. Hadith 3381] ¹
Prophet Muhammad said “Angels were created from light,”
“Diciptakan malaikat daripada cahaya.” [Riwayat Muslim (2996)]²
Sources :
¹Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, https://muftiwp.gov.my/en/artikel/irsyad-al-hadith/1527-irsyad-al-hadith-siri-ke-42-status-hadith-ayam-berkokok-kerana-melihat-malaikat
²Pejabat Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan, https://muftiwp.gov.my/ms/artikel/irsyad-al-hadith/2633-irsyad-al-hadith-siri-ke-288-buta-kerana-melihat-malaikat
Jalur hitam putih pada kuda belang, bersifat seperti cap jari pada manusia, tidak ada yang sama antara satu sama lain
‘Maha Suci Allah tidaklah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia” Ali ‘Imran 191 3:191
A stripe makes insects less disturbing to Zebras. Japanese scientists painted the same stripes on cows and found that they were 50% less disturbing than normal cows.
Standing up is how zebras sleep
Zebra stripes are like human fingerprints, they are not identical to each other.
Cindai is a Malay Traditional woven made out of the fibers of selected herbal medicinal plants. It is effective in treating wounds and is an antimicrobial equivalent to antibiotics.
Brass is not only resistant to rust, but it also eliminates bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, and fungi, making it safe for health. To prepare traditional food that is safe and healthy, Malay people use it as a mold.