Tag Archives: business

Kodak pernah difailkan bankrap pada 2012 kerana juruteranya Steven Sasson pada 1975 mencipta teknologi baru iaitu digital kamera yang berfungsi tanpa filem. Idea itu ditolak boss kodak atas kebimbangan jualan filem kodak akan menurun. Akhirnya teknologi menguntungkan Fujifilm dan Sony dan menjadikan Kodak bankrup

Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 because its engineer Steven Sasson in 1975 created a new technology which is a digital camera that works without film. The idea was rejected by Kodak’s boss for fear that Kodak’s film sales would decrease. Ultimately the technology benefits Fujifilm and Sony

Kemera digital pertama, oleh Steven Sasson pada Dec 1975, seberat 3.6 kg, 0.01 megapixels, mengambil masa 23 saat untuk memproses sekeping gambar

First camera digital by Steven Sasson in Dec 1975, it weighed 3.6 kg, 0.01 megapixels that took 23 seconds to process per image.

Di China, jika anda terperangkap dalam traffic jam, dengan bayaran $60, 2 orang akan datang ke kenderaan anda, seorang akan bawa kereta anda ke destinasi, seorang lagi akan hantar anda dengan motosikal

In China, if you are stuck in a traffic jam, for a fee of $60, 2 people will come to your vehicle, one will take your car to the destination, the other will send you by motorcycle

Netflix Lebih Tua Dari Google, Ketika Netflix Dilancarkan, Google Masih Belum Wujud, Netflix Menawarakan Kemudahan Menyewakan DVD Melalui Surat Menyurat

Before Google founded on Sept 4, 1998, Netflix was founded early on Aug 29, 1997 and is a DVD-by- mail service

Netflix ditubuhkan pada Aug 29, 1997, Google pada Sept 4, 1998

Mcd Drive Thru Asalnya Kemudahan Untuk Tentera Amerika Yang Tidak Boleh Meninggalkan Kenderaan Ketika Bertugas Di Kem Fort Huachuca, Arizona

In the past, drive-through facilities were provided for soldiers who could not leave their vehicles while on duty at Fort Huachuca Army Base

In 1937, Dick and Mac McDonald established the company named Airdome in California for selling hot dog. The founder of Burger King was inspired by the McDonald’s company.

Dick and Mac McDonald pada 1937 membuka gerai hot dog dengan nama Airdome di California. Pengasas Burger King mendapat ilham dari Syarikat Mcd