Usain Bolt, pelari terpantas di dunia, rekod 100 meter = 9.58 saat, 200 meter = 19.19 saat. Anggaran masa berlari sepanjang Olimpik 115 saat, 8 pingat emas bernilai $119 juta, purata pendapat lebih $1juta untuk 1 saat (RM4.72 juta/saat) tapi untuk berlari 2 minit itu dia telah menghabiskan masa lebih 20 tahun untuk berlatih

Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest man, records 100 meters = 9.58 seconds, 200 meters = 19.19 seconds. Estimated Olympic run time 115 seconds, 8 gold medals worth $119 million, average income more than $1 million per second (RM4.72 million/second) but for those 115 seconds, he trained himself for 20+ years.

Reference :

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Seorang budak perempuan di Ethiopia dipukul 7 lelaki sehingga 3 ekor singa datang menghalau 7 lelaki tersebut, bukan itu sahaja, singa-singa tersebut menunggu selama setengah hari sehingga bantuan tiba bagi memastikan keselamatan budak tersebut.

A 12-years-old girl in Ethiopia had been taken and beaten by 7 men until a pride of lions came to chasing the men away, She had been guarded by the lions for about half a day

Reference :
NBC News, June 21, 2005 Source : The Associated Press

The Guardian

Bagaimana katak minum air? katak ‘minum’ melalui kulitnya, tidak seperti haiwan lain. “apabila Ia menetapkan jadinya sesuatu perkara maka Ia hanya berfirman kepadanya: “Jadilah engkau!” Lalu menjadilah ia.” al-Ghafir (40:68)

Frogs don’t drink water, they absorb water through their skin

The amazing of god creation
Allah said in Quran chapter 40 (al-Ghafir) verse 68
He is the One Who gives life and causes death. When He decrees a matter, He simply tells it, “Be!” And it is!

Michael Nicholson, ada 30 ijazah (1 sarjana muda, 2 associates degree, 23 master’s degree, 3 specialist degree dan 1 doctoral degree). Dia tinggal di kampus selama 55 tahun

Michael Nicholson, a man from Michigan, has 30 degrees
1 bachelor’s degree
2 associates degrees
23 master’s degree
3 specialist degree
1 doctoral degree
He stayed in school ofr 55 years straight

Kandungan kembar yang lahir dalam sela masa paling lama ialah 90 hari (3 bulan) di USA, bayi pertama pada 1 Januari 1996 dan yang kedua 30 Mac 1996

The longest interval between the birth of twin is 90 days in Baltimore, Maryland, USA to parents Lesa and David West on Jan 1 1996 (Molly) and 30 March 1996 (Benjamin)

Bayi pertama Molly adalah pramatang dan yang kedua ialan Benjamin
Reference :
Guinness World Records

Sultan Johor (Sultan Ibrahim) memiliki lesen kapal terbang, helikopter, keretapi dan bot. Pernah membuat 19 terjunan payung terjun, 7 daripadanya pada waktu malam.

Sultan of Johor (Sultan Ibrahim) has a valid licenses to fly aircrafts (fixed-wing), helicopter (rotary wings aircraft), maneuver locomotives and boating licenses. Made 19 parachute jumps, 7 of them at night.

Sources :
Dokumentari Daulat Tuanku, Allah Pelihara Sultan, RTM, TV1
Portal Rasmi Kerajaan Negeri Johor Darul Ta'zim

Makan ubat perancang boleh mengubah hormon buat otak wanita keliru dalam membuat keputusan, mengurangkan rasa takut dan membuat tindakan yang merbahaya. Menurut National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information Teori ini tidak benar

No differences in value-based decision-making due to use oral contraceptives

Reference :
National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information,

Negara yang tidak ada ular & buaya, New Zealand. Kerana eko-sistem yang tidak sesuai, zoo di New Zealand pun tidak boleh memelihara ular ditambah dengan undang-undang negara itu yang melarang kemasukan ular.

The only countries in the world, completely free from snake and crocodiles / alligator are New Zealand. Snake are completely missing from New Zealand’s zoos, because imbalance in the snake free ecosystem and it is illegal to bring snakes into New Zealand, a snake-free country.

Duduk 2 jam lebih bahaya dari menghabiskan sebatang rokok. Menurut Natinoal Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information Teori ini tidak benar

Sitting for 2 hours is more dangerous than smoking a cigarette. This theory is not true according to the National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information

Jam mengesan dan mengeluarkan amaran kerana duduk terlalu lama, amalan yang tidak baik untuk kesihatan.
Reference :
Natinoal Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information,