Penduduk terbesar di dunia ialah (1) China 1.41 billion, (2) India 1.39 billion, (3) US 336 juta, (4) Indonesia 279 juta. Penduduk paling sedikit adalah Vatican City seramai 764 orang seluas 0.405 km2 (100 Ekar)

The largest population in the world is (1) China 1.41 billion, (2) India 1.39 billion, (3) US 336 million, (4) Indonesia 279 million. The small population is Vatican City with 764 people in an area of 0.405 km2 (100 Acres)

Sulphuric acid terhasil bila bawang dipotong yang memedihkan mata. Menurut Majalah Mastika, memotong bawang sambil mengunyah chewing gum boleh menghilangkan pedih mata ????

Sulfuric acid is produced when onions are cut which causes tears in the eyes. According to Mastika Magazine, cutting onions while chewing gum can relieve eye pain ????

Source :
Majalah Mastika

Selepas sepanjang hari sibuk di makmal dengan bahan kimia Benzoic Sulfimide, Constantin Fahlberg terlupa membasuh tangan sebelum menikmati makan malam, dia kemudinnya mendapati makanannya terasa manis, di sinilah mula tercipta gula Saccharin pada 1879

After a long day at the laboratory with the chemical Benzoic Sulfimide, Constantin Fahlberg forgot to wash his hands after dinner, he found his food tasted sweet, this is how he discovered the artificial sweetener Saccharin in 1879

Reference :
BBC News

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Sebutan no ‘5’ dalam bahasa Thai boleh juga membawa maksud ‘ha’, remaja Thai menulis ‘555’ bermaksud ‘ha ha ha’ / ห้า ห้า ห้า untuk perkara yang melucukan

The pronunciation of ‘5’ in Thai can also mean ‘ha’; when you see “555” /hâa hâa hâa/ (ห้า ห้า ห้า) in Thailand it means “funny” and “laughing out loud”’s%20the%20Thai%20equivalent%20of,or%20just%20%E2%80%9C555%2B%E2%80%9D.

Ada insuran untuk cover ‘hold in One’ dalam permainan golf bagi melindungi penganjur untuk menanggung kos jika ada peserta yang berjaya memasukkan bola dengan 1 pukulan. Di Jepun katanya ada insuran individu, takut member yang main dengan kita berjaya hold in one, kos nak bayar dia, insuran tanggung😁

There is insurance to cover ‘hold in one’ in the game of golf to protect the organizer to cover the cost of the player if the participant can successfully put the ball in with 1 shot

2,368 spesis bekteria ditemui pada pusat manusia , separuh darinya jenis yang baru ditemui. Di KL pula boleh ditemui beribu spesis yang pakai baju nampak pusat. 😁

The research team from the biology department of North Carolina State University (NC State) and the Nature Research Center (NRC) at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences discovered that belly buttons are very diverse habitats! In total, they discovered 2,368 different species. More than half of those may be new to science

Reference :
National Geographic

scientists from the biology department of North Carolina State University (NC State) and the Nature Research Center (NRC) at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

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Kodak pernah difailkan bankrap pada 2012 kerana juruteranya Steven Sasson pada 1975 mencipta teknologi baru iaitu digital kamera yang berfungsi tanpa filem. Idea itu ditolak boss kodak atas kebimbangan jualan filem kodak akan menurun. Akhirnya teknologi menguntungkan Fujifilm dan Sony dan menjadikan Kodak bankrup

Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012 because its engineer Steven Sasson in 1975 created a new technology which is a digital camera that works without film. The idea was rejected by Kodak’s boss for fear that Kodak’s film sales would decrease. Ultimately the technology benefits Fujifilm and Sony

‘🙂’ emoji yang diciptakan pada 1963 oleh Harvey Ball, dia tidak pernah mendapat royalti, melainkan hanya upah 45 dollars. Syarikat State Mutual Life Assurance mengupah Harvey kerana masalah moral di syarikat mereka untuk menghasilkan pin baju

🙂‘ emoji created in 1963 by Harvey Ball, he never got royalties, but only paid a one-time fee of 45 dollars. State Mutual Life Assurance Company hired Harvey because of the In 1963, the company was experiencing morale problems as it grew, and decided on an in-house campaign to improve morale in their company resulting the smiley face pins that were printed and handed out were a huge succes.

26 lorong lebuh raya paling lebar iaitu Katy Freeway di Houstan, Texas di US tetapi di China, Expressway G4 Beijing – Hong Kong – Macao, kenderaan yang berbaris untuk membayar tol menyebabkan 50 lorong terhasil

26 lanes of the widest expressway is the Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas in the US but in China, Expressway G4 Beijing – Hong Kong – Macao, vehicles lined up to pay tolls resulting in 50 lanes