Scotland has 421 words for snow
Daily Archives: May 14, 2024
Remaja perempuan 18 tahun dari India hilang kedua-dua belah tangan selepas dilanggar bas. Tangan ganti yang baru diperolehi dari seorang lelaki berkulit lebih gelap, lengan yang lebih besar dan berbulu lebat. Dengan kuasa Allah, perbezaan itu hilang selepas beberapa tahun, apabila kulit lengan itu bertukar menjadi warna kulit remaja ini dan saiz mengecil sesuai dengan tubuhnya.
An 18-year-old girl from India lost both hands after being hit by a bus. She received an arm transplant from a man with darker skin, larger arms and hairy arms. By the power of Allah, the difference disappeared after a few years, when the skin of the arm turned into the color of this teenager’s skin and shrank in size to fit his body.
Gula-gula kapas lebih halus dari urat rambut. Mesin ini memberi idea saintis mencipta urat darah sehalus urat rambut
A strand of cotton candy is thinner than a strand of human hair. This idea is helping scientist ceate artificial blood vessels
Samsung ertinya 3 bintang dalam bahasa Korea.
Samsung means three stars in Korean.

Banduan di Brazil yang banyak membaca buku akan dibebaskan lebih awal mengikut jumlah buku yang dibaca dan report yang ditulis
Brazil has a unique way of reducing the prison term of the inmates. Inmates who read books during their time in prison get their imprisonment time reduced, as per a report by Reuters
Sekalipun bertubuh besar dan gagah, struktur tulang belakang gajah sebenarnya tidak sesuai untuk menampung beban manusia yang duduk di atasnya

Kim Ung-yong, budak Korea pintar, IQ skor 210, umur 3 tahun sudah mampu menyelesaikan pengiraan kalkulus dan menerbitkan 247 muka surat best-selling book dalam bahasa Inggeris & Jerman. Ketika umur 5 tahun sudah boleh bercakap dalam 5 bahasa iaitu Korea, Inggeris, Perancis, Jerman & Jepun, Umur 8 tahun memasuki Universiti Colorado.
Kim dikatakan pergi belajar fizik nuklear di Universiti Colorado ketika berusia lapan tahun
“saya merasa sangat sunyi kerana berada di negara orang, dan kerana tiada sesiapa boleh menemani saya kerana di universiti semuanya orang dewasa, tidak tempat untuk budak-budak seperti saya” katanya
At three years old, he was able to solve calculus problems, and also published a 247-page best-selling book of his essays in English and German, as well as his calligraphy and illustrations.[4][1] By the age of five, Kim could speak Korean, English, French, German and Japanese.[5]
Kim allegedly went to study nuclear physics at the University of Colorado when he was eight years old
I was really lonely. No one ever made friends with me. After work hours, I could exercise and enjoy my hobbies, but no one could accompany me. I came from another country and I was young, so there were no seats for children even though everyone was an adult.
Batuli Lamichhane wanita umur 120 tahun. Merokok 2 kotak sehari. Jika disuruh berhenti, dia menjawab “semua doktor yang menasihatinya berhenti merokok telah pun meninggal”
Batuli Lamichhane, a 120 years old granny smokes 2 packs of the cigarettes, on asking her to stop this habit she said “Doctors who advised me to quite smoking had died already”
She passed away on Feb, 2024, other claimed aged about 121 years old, 316 days.
Rekod menipu pilihanraya dicatatkan dalam Guiness Book Records, oleh bekas Presiden Liberia, Charles King, pada pilihanraya tahun 1927. Dia mendapat 234,000 kertas undi berbanding hanya 15,000 pengundi berdaftar.
Former Liberian President, Charles King, is listed in the Guiness Book Records fot the most fraudulent election reported in history. King received 234,000 votes compare to 15,000 registered voters at the time.
Record menahan nafas paling lama, 24 minit 37 saat direkodkan dalam Guiness World Records oleh Budimir Šobat dari Croatia. Jika anda menahan nafas selama itu, mungkin pagi esok seluruh keluarga dan sahabat akan memenuhi ke rumah anda😁
The record for the longest breath hold, 24 minutes 37 seconds was recorded in the Guinness World Records by Budimir Šobat from Croatia. If you hold your breath for that long, maybe tomorrow morning the whole family and friends will come to your house
Dia memaklumkan kepada bapanya, dia mahu menyelamatkan orang lain, seminggu kemudian Faye Loughrey 15 tahun membunuh diri, dia menyelamatkan 9 orang melalui pendermaan organ
He informed his father, he wanted to save others, a week later Faye Loughrey 15 years committed suicide, he saved 9 people through organ donation
Allah jadikan kucing lengkap dengan ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. Bila dia jatuh pada tinggi yang sesuai, terbalik macam mana pun masa dia jatuh, sebelum landing, badan dia akan dibetulkan, kepala di atas dan 4 kaki dia akan tegak ready untuk menahan di tanah.
Allah almighty made cats complete with ‘self-righting mechanism-a reflex action / righting reflex’. When it falls at the appropriate height, upside down or no matter how, at the time it falls, before landing, his body will be fixed, head up and his 4 legs will be upright ready to hold on the ground
Purata 300 permohonan pernikahan Islam sebulan di Selatan Thailand, kebanyakan adalah untuk berpoligami oleh rakyat Malaysia (tahun 2024)
An average of 300 marriage applications per month in Southern Thailand, most of which are for polygamy by Malaysians (year 2024)
Duit Rakyat Malaysia digunakan untuk membayar artis hadir hanya 1 malam. Britney Spears di bayar RM 4.5 juta untuk 1 malam, Leonardo Dicaprio dibayar sekitar RM 1.1 juta, Megan Fox RM 1.1 juta, Paris Hilton RM 450 ribu dan Kim Kardashian RM 225 ribu oleh Jho Low menggunakan duit 1MDB
Britney Spears paid $1 million as nightly appearance fee by Jho Low using 1MDB fund. The money belongs to Malaysians