Betulkah kereta Steve Job tak ada nombor plat? Di California kenderaan baru, diberi tempoh 6 bulan untuk tidak memiliki no plat, jadi sebelum habis 6 bulan menggunakan sesebuah kereta, Steve Job akan membeli kereta baru. Itu undang-undang dulu, sekarang dipendekkan kepada 20 hari

Steve Jobs Never Had License Plates on His Car, but every six months he traded it in for a new one.  a loophole in the California vehicle laws.  Anyone with a brand new car had a maximum of six months to affix the issued number plate to the vehicle. has been shortened to 20 days

Nama asal beliau adalah Abdul Lateef Jandali
Read more :,plates%20fitted%2C%22%20writes%20Heath.