Category Archives: Fitness / Senaman

Usain Bolt, pelari terpantas di dunia, rekod 100 meter = 9.58 saat, 200 meter = 19.19 saat. Anggaran masa berlari sepanjang Olimpik 115 saat, 8 pingat emas bernilai $119 juta, purata pendapat lebih $1juta untuk 1 saat (RM4.72 juta/saat) tapi untuk berlari 2 minit itu dia telah menghabiskan masa lebih 20 tahun untuk berlatih

Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest man, records 100 meters = 9.58 seconds, 200 meters = 19.19 seconds. Estimated Olympic run time 115 seconds, 8 gold medals worth $119 million, average income more than $1 million per second (RM4.72 million/second) but for those 115 seconds, he trained himself for 20+ years.

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Kenapa coach bola Sir Alex Ferguson selalu mengunyah gula-gula getah. Kajian mendapati chewing gum menambahkan rasa relax, meningkatkan fokus, mengurangkan stress dan menguatkan daya ingatan ¹.  Ini atas nasihat physiotherapist Manchestar United Mr Jim McGregor

Study show chewing gum can actually increase feelings of relaxation, increase attention, lower stress levels, and improve memory ¹

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¹Majalah Mastika