Category Archives: Human / Manusia

Ron Sveden berbulan bertarung dengan emphysema (masalah paru-paru seperti sesak nafas, batuk dan sakit dada) akhirnya doktor mendapati biji kacang tumbuh dalam paru-parunya. Doktor berkata, kacang itu telah masuk ke saluran yang salah.

In 2010 doktors have found a Pea sprouting in the lung of 75 years old man from Massachusetts in the US. The plant was about half an inch or 1.25cm in size after Ron Sveden had been battling emphysema for months when his condition deteriorated

Reference :
BBC News - Pea plant grows inside man's lung

Lebih separuh daripada tubuh kita dihuni oleh makhluk-makhluk lain iaitu sebanyak 57% dari tubuh kita adalah makhluk yang menumpang terdiri daripada bakteria-bakteria, virus-virus, kulat-kulat dan Archaea

Prof Rob Knight daripada University of California San Diego, melaporkan kepada BBC mengatakan bahawa “diri anda sebenarnya lebih kepada mikrob bukannya manusia”

Human cells make up only 43% of the body’s total cell count. The rest is microscopic colonists this include bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea (organisms originally misclassified as bacteria)

Prof Rob Knight, from University of California San Diego, told the BBC: “You’re more microbe than you are human.”

Tak cukup tidur malam boleh bawa kepada risiko darah tinggi, kencing manis, jantung, masalah ingatan pembelajaran dan konsentrasi, lemah daya tahan badan, naik berat badan, kulit, nafsu, kanser, daya tahan badan dan perubahan emosi

Deprivation sleep a night risk of high blood pressure, heart suffers, cancer risk increases, weakened immunity, weight gain, decrease in testosterone levels low sex drive 10 – 15%, diabetes increase, skin suffers, the impact of learning and memory, concentration, thinking issue, mood changes

Reference :

Selepas 7 bulan perang Hamas-Israel, Pegawai PBB melaporkan kemusahan Gaza memerlukan 14 tahun untuk membersihkan 37 juta tan serpihan runtuhan bangunan jika 100 lori digunakan sehari. 70 Ribu bangunan musnah, 290 ribu rosak termasuk sekolah hospital, Gereja, Masjid dan tempat bersejarah. Rm188 billion kos baik pulih diperlukan (7 Okt 2023 – 3 Mei 2024)

After 7 months of the Hamas-Israeli war, UN officials reported that the Gaza conflict would take 14 years to clear 37 million tons of building debris if 100 trucks were used a day. 70 thousand buildings were destroyed, 290 thousand were damaged including schools, hospitals, churches, mosques and historical places. Rm188 billion in repair costs are required (7 Ocktober 2023 – 3 May 2024)

Kim Ung-yong, budak Korea pintar, IQ skor 210, umur 3 tahun sudah mampu menyelesaikan pengiraan kalkulus dan menerbitkan 247 muka surat best-selling book dalam bahasa Inggeris & Jerman. Ketika umur 5 tahun sudah boleh bercakap dalam 5 bahasa iaitu Korea, Inggeris, Perancis, Jerman & Jepun, Umur 8 tahun memasuki Universiti Colorado.

Kim dikatakan pergi belajar fizik nuklear di Universiti Colorado ketika berusia lapan tahun
“saya merasa sangat sunyi kerana berada di negara orang, dan kerana tiada sesiapa boleh menemani saya kerana di universiti semuanya orang dewasa, tidak tempat untuk budak-budak seperti saya” katanya

At three years old, he was able to solve calculus problems, and also published a 247-page best-selling book of his essays in English and German, as well as his calligraphy and illustrations.[4][1] By the age of five, Kim could speak KoreanEnglishFrenchGerman and Japanese.[5]

Kim allegedly went to study nuclear physics at the University of Colorado when he was eight years old

I was really lonely. No one ever made friends with me. After work hours, I could exercise and enjoy my hobbies, but no one could accompany me. I came from another country and I was young, so there were no seats for children even though everyone was an adult.

Batuli Lamichhane wanita umur 120 tahun. Merokok 2 kotak sehari. Jika disuruh berhenti, dia menjawab “semua doktor yang menasihatinya berhenti merokok telah pun meninggal”

Batuli Lamichhane, a 120 years old granny smokes 2 packs of the cigarettes, on asking her to stop this habit she said “Doctors who advised me to quite smoking had died already”

She passed away on Feb, 2024, other claimed aged about 121 years old, 316 days.

Sulphuric acid terhasil bila bawang dipotong yang memedihkan mata. Menurut Majalah Mastika, memotong bawang sambil mengunyah chewing gum boleh menghilangkan pedih mata ????

Sulfuric acid is produced when onions are cut which causes tears in the eyes. According to Mastika Magazine, cutting onions while chewing gum can relieve eye pain ????

Source :
Majalah Mastika

‘🙂’ emoji yang diciptakan pada 1963 oleh Harvey Ball, dia tidak pernah mendapat royalti, melainkan hanya upah 45 dollars. Syarikat State Mutual Life Assurance mengupah Harvey kerana masalah moral di syarikat mereka untuk menghasilkan pin baju

🙂‘ emoji created in 1963 by Harvey Ball, he never got royalties, but only paid a one-time fee of 45 dollars. State Mutual Life Assurance Company hired Harvey because of the In 1963, the company was experiencing morale problems as it grew, and decided on an in-house campaign to improve morale in their company resulting the smiley face pins that were printed and handed out were a huge succes.