There’s no evidence to suggest the fruit actually landed on his head, but Newton’s observation caused him to ponder why apples always fall straight to the ground (rather than sideways or upward) and helped inspired him to eventually develop his law of universal gravitation.
Source :
Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled
Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled
Doctor Zirkel follows Newton's famous steps under the fabled apple tree. Coloured wood engraving.
Iconographic Collections
Keywords: Isaac Newton
Library reference: ICV No 12208
Photo number: V0011942
Full Bibliographic Record:
Wellcome Collection gallery (2018-03-29): CC-BY-4.0
Kim dikatakan pergi belajar fizik nuklear di Universiti Colorado ketika berusia lapan tahun “saya merasa sangat sunyi kerana berada di negara orang, dan kerana tiada sesiapa boleh menemani saya kerana di universiti semuanya orang dewasa, tidak tempat untuk budak-budak seperti saya” katanya
Kim allegedly went to study nuclear physics at the University of Colorado when he was eight years old
I was really lonely. No one ever made friends with me. After work hours, I could exercise and enjoy my hobbies, but no one could accompany me. I came from another country and I was young, so there were no seats for children even though everyone was an adult.
Terbitan asal pada April 27, 2011
22th does not exist, 22nd is right 1=1st 2=2nd 3=3rd 4=4th then this rule applicable till 20th (5th , 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 20th etc)then we follow this rule (1st=21st , 2nd=22nd , 3rd=23rd )from 21 to 23 4=4th=24th then the previous rule of “th“ applicable from 24th to 30th Then 1=1st =31st Hope the will remove you confusion
Tidak ada tulisan atau perkataan ini ’22th’ yang ada ialah ’22nd’ 1=1st 2=2nd 3=3rd 4 (4th) hingga 20 (20th) dengan ‘th’ di belakang (4th, 5th , 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th hingga 20th etc) dari 21 hingga 23 (1st=21st , 2nd=22nd , 3rd=23rd ) ulang dari 4 (4th) hingga 30 (30th) 4=4th=24th “th“ digunakan dari 24th hingga 30th kemudian 1=1st =31st begitulah seterusnya 1st untuk 21st, 31st, 41st dan seterusnya 2nd untuk 22nd, 32nd, 42nd seterusnya 3rd for 23rd, 33rd, 43rd semua yang berakhir dengan 4 hingga 30 menggunakan th dibelakang
Sehari di Jupiter = 10 jam di bumi A day on Jupiter = 10 earth hours
Setahun Di Mercury = 88 hari di dunia A year on Mercury = 88 earth day
Dan mereka meminta kepadamu (Muhammad) agar azab itu disegerakan, padahal Allah tidak menyalahi janji-Nya. Dan sesungguhnya sehari di sisi Tuhanmu adalah seperti seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu.
Surah al-Hajj ayat 47 (22:47)
Dia mengatur segala urusan dari langit ke bumi, kemudian (urusan) itu naik kepada-Nya dalam satu hari yang kadarnya (lamanya) adalah seribu tahun menurut perhitunganmu.