Category Archives: Place / Tempat

Selepas 7 bulan perang Hamas-Israel, Pegawai PBB melaporkan kemusahan Gaza memerlukan 14 tahun untuk membersihkan 37 juta tan serpihan runtuhan bangunan jika 100 lori digunakan sehari. 70 Ribu bangunan musnah, 290 ribu rosak termasuk sekolah hospital, Gereja, Masjid dan tempat bersejarah. Rm188 billion kos baik pulih diperlukan (7 Okt 2023 – 3 Mei 2024)

After 7 months of the Hamas-Israeli war, UN officials reported that the Gaza conflict would take 14 years to clear 37 million tons of building debris if 100 trucks were used a day. 70 thousand buildings were destroyed, 290 thousand were damaged including schools, hospitals, churches, mosques and historical places. Rm188 billion in repair costs are required (7 Ocktober 2023 – 3 May 2024)

Penduduk terbesar di dunia ialah (1) China 1.41 billion, (2) India 1.39 billion, (3) US 336 juta, (4) Indonesia 279 juta. Penduduk paling sedikit adalah Vatican City seramai 764 orang seluas 0.405 km2 (100 Ekar)

The largest population in the world is (1) China 1.41 billion, (2) India 1.39 billion, (3) US 336 million, (4) Indonesia 279 million. The small population is Vatican City with 764 people in an area of 0.405 km2 (100 Acres)

26 lorong lebuh raya paling lebar iaitu Katy Freeway di Houstan, Texas di US tetapi di China, Expressway G4 Beijing – Hong Kong – Macao, kenderaan yang berbaris untuk membayar tol menyebabkan 50 lorong terhasil

26 lanes of the widest expressway is the Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas in the US but in China, Expressway G4 Beijing – Hong Kong – Macao, vehicles lined up to pay tolls resulting in 50 lanes

Ketika semua orang dipindahkan dari sebuah pulau, seorang wanita Juana Maria tertinggal kapal, dia hidup seorang diri di sebuah pulau (San Nicholas Island) selama 18 tahun (1935 – 1953), sebelum diselamatkan

Novel ‘Island of the Blue Dolphins’ diterbitkan oleh Scott O’Dell. Dia dikata tertinggal kapal kerana pergi mencari anaknya untuk dibawa bersama ketika dalam proses pemindahan penduduk pulau tersebut

Juana Maria, left behind during an evacuation, lived alone in San Nicholas Island for 18 years. A novel titled ‘Island of the Blue Dolphin’s (1960) by Scott O’Dell is based on this story.

Sealand, ‘negara’ terkecil di dunia, saiz separuh padang bola, mempunyai kerajaan sendiri, mata wang sendiri, passport sendiri dan pasukan bola sendiri. Penduduknya berjumlah 27 orang

Sebenarnya ia tidak diikhtiraf sebagai sebuah negara pun.

Sealand, is a smallest ‘country’ in the world, size half of the football pitch. It has its own government, currency, passport & even a soccer team with population 27 people. Actually is unrecognised as a country

Mehran Karimi Nasseri, terperangkap, tidak boleh keluar, terpaksa menghabiskan hidupnya selama 18 tahun di terminal lapangan terbang di Perancis dari tahun 1988 – 2006 kerana masalah passport.

Mehran Karimi Nasseri living in Charles de Gaulle airport, France for 18 years since 1988 to 2006. A film titled The Terminal produced by Steven Spielberg bases of this true story and received $250,000 as inspiration for Dreamworks’ new film The Terminal but still sleeps on the plastic bench

Steven Spielberg menghasilkan filem ‘The Terminal’ dibintangi Tom Hanks berdasarkan kisah benar ini. Dia menerima 250,000 dolar dari Steven Spielberg sebagai ganjaran jalan cerita.
Soirce :
Majalah Mastika

Sejak dibuka pada 1971, lebih 1.65 juta cermin mata hitam dikutip kerana ditinggalkan oleh pengunjung. Setiap tahun lebih 6,000 telefon bimbit, 3,500 camera digital, 18,000 topi dan 7,500 buku autograph. 400 – 500 barang tertinggal setiap hari (sekitar 210 adalah cermin mata sehari) disimpan di Disney World’s Lost and Found Department

Since Walt Disney World Resort opended in 1971, they’ve taken in over 1.65 million pairs of missing sunglasses. More than 6,000 cell phone, 3,500 digital cameras, 18,000 hats and 7,500 autograph books collected by Lost and Found Department. 210 pairs of sunglasses found every day

Terakhir Jan 2022, sebelum tarikh itu, Gurun Sahara telah 5 kali turun salji. Pernah 30cm tebal, sedangkan hujan cuma 100mm setahun

Snowfall recorded in the Sahara Desert
1979, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021 & Jan 2022. In 2018 up to 30cm in higher elevation areas. Sahara receiving 100mm of rainfall per year.

Reference :
Jasper Knight, Professor of Physical Geography, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Tidak ada ular boleh hidup dengan cuaca di Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. Di New Zealand bukan sahaja ular, buaya pun tidak akan ditemui.

No snake at all in Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. In New Zealand, not only snakes but nor crocodile be found.

Negara yang tidak ada ular & buaya, New Zealand. Kerana eko-sistem yang tidak sesuai, zoo di New Zealand pun tidak boleh memelihara ular ditambah dengan undang-undang negara itu yang melarang kemasukan ular.

The only countries in the world, completely free from snake and crocodiles / alligator are New Zealand. Snake are completely missing from New Zealand’s zoos, because imbalance in the snake free ecosystem and it is illegal to bring snakes into New Zealand, a snake-free country.

Terowong terpanjang di dunia 57 km di Switzerland, ambil masa 17 tahun untuk dibina. Terowong keretapi ini siap pada 2016. Ke 2 Jepun 53.85km dan ke 3 50.43km Perancis/UK

The longest tunnel in the world is 57km, it took 17 years to build in Switzerland, second Japan 53.85 and France/UK 50.43km

Di China, jika anda terperangkap dalam traffic jam, dengan bayaran $60, 2 orang akan datang ke kenderaan anda, seorang akan bawa kereta anda ke destinasi, seorang lagi akan hantar anda dengan motosikal

In China, if you are stuck in a traffic jam, for a fee of $60, 2 people will come to your vehicle, one will take your car to the destination, the other will send you by motorcycle