John Carpenter, contestant on ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ faces the final question to successfully win the 1 million dollar prize. He still has 3 lifelines. He then calls his father not to ask for an answer, but to inform that he will win 1 million dollars. He was the first person to win 1 million dollars.
Tag Archives: rekod
Rekod menipu pilihanraya dicatatkan dalam Guiness Book Records, oleh bekas Presiden Liberia, Charles King, pada pilihanraya tahun 1927. Dia mendapat 234,000 kertas undi berbanding hanya 15,000 pengundi berdaftar.
Former Liberian President, Charles King, is listed in the Guiness Book Records fot the most fraudulent election reported in history. King received 234,000 votes compare to 15,000 registered voters at the time.
Record menahan nafas paling lama, 24 minit 37 saat direkodkan dalam Guiness World Records oleh Budimir Šobat dari Croatia. Jika anda menahan nafas selama itu, mungkin pagi esok seluruh keluarga dan sahabat akan memenuhi ke rumah anda😁
The record for the longest breath hold, 24 minutes 37 seconds was recorded in the Guinness World Records by Budimir Šobat from Croatia. If you hold your breath for that long, maybe tomorrow morning the whole family and friends will come to your house
Tidak ada ular boleh hidup dengan cuaca di Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. Di New Zealand bukan sahaja ular, buaya pun tidak akan ditemui.
No snake at all in Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. In New Zealand, not only snakes but nor crocodile be found.
Usain Bolt, pelari terpantas di dunia, rekod 100 meter = 9.58 saat, 200 meter = 19.19 saat. Anggaran masa berlari sepanjang Olimpik 115 saat, 8 pingat emas bernilai $119 juta, purata pendapat lebih $1juta untuk 1 saat (RM4.72 juta/saat) tapi untuk berlari 2 minit itu dia telah menghabiskan masa lebih 20 tahun untuk berlatih
Usain Bolt, the world’s fastest man, records 100 meters = 9.58 seconds, 200 meters = 19.19 seconds. Estimated Olympic run time 115 seconds, 8 gold medals worth $119 million, average income more than $1 million per second (RM4.72 million/second) but for those 115 seconds, he trained himself for 20+ years.
Reference : wikipedia Read more :
Michael Nicholson, ada 30 ijazah (1 sarjana muda, 2 associates degree, 23 master’s degree, 3 specialist degree dan 1 doctoral degree). Dia tinggal di kampus selama 55 tahun
Michael Nicholson, a man from Michigan, has 30 degrees
1 bachelor’s degree
2 associates degrees
23 master’s degree
3 specialist degree
1 doctoral degree
He stayed in school ofr 55 years straight