Phagocytosis, occurs in body organs such as the brain, lungs, liver, spleen and others. It is a process where cells envelop and consume other cells or molecules to remove them from the system to help preserve your grey matter. more active while fasting
Air in the snacks or chips packets are filled with nitrogen to preserves quality, slow down spoilage, extends the products’ shelf life and also cushions and protects delicate food inside the package from being crushed during handling
Russia announced close to creating cancer vaccines
The human skin is home to about a thousand species of bacteria and other microbes, collectively called the skin microbiome. Many of these are important for health. Beneficial skin bacteria can prevent the growth of other, potentially harmful microbes. Studies have also shown that some skin bacteria interact with the immune system to help fight infection.,of%20other%2C%20potentially%20harmful%20microbes.
Soruce :
National Institutes of Health
Sulfuric acid is produced when onions are cut which causes tears in the eyes. According to Mastika Magazine, cutting onions while chewing gum can relieve eye pain ????
Source :
Majalah Mastika
After a long day at the laboratory with the chemical Benzoic Sulfimide, Constantin Fahlberg forgot to wash his hands after dinner, he found his food tasted sweet, this is how he discovered the artificial sweetener Saccharin in 1879
Reference :
BBC News
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The research team from the biology department of North Carolina State University (NC State) and the Nature Research Center (NRC) at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences discovered that belly buttons are very diverse habitats! In total, they discovered 2,368 different species. More than half of those may be new to science
Reference :
National Geographic
scientists from the biology department of North Carolina State University (NC State) and the Nature Research Center (NRC) at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences
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Half of the world’s oxygen is produced via phytoplankton photosynthesis in the ocean
Source :
National Geographic
It costs 38 trillion dollars to create oxygen for 6 months for all human beings on earth. Allah’s technology is great, Trees do it for free. Then which of your Lord’s favours, will you ˹humans and jinn˺ both deny? 31 times god repeats this verse in Surah Ar-Rahman (Chapter 55)
Drinking coffee can prevent or slow the progression of liver disease in some patients .
Reference :,prepared%20%E2%80%93%20filtered%2C%20instant%20and%20espresso
Allah menjadikan permukaan jari berkedut bila lama terendam di dalam air bagi membolehkan kita mudah berpaut pada sesuatu yang basah dan mengurangkan licin. Kesan kedut memberikan geseran yang lebih terhadap permukaan yang dicapai
Allah made the surface of the finger wrinkled when submerged in water for a long time to allow us to easily cling to something wet and reduce slippery
Von Braun Station, will be turned into a space hotel in the future
Four teenage girls in Africa have invented a generator to produces electricity using urine as fuel. Six hours electricity using a single liter urine.
No snake at all in Antarctica, Ireland, Greenland, Iceland. In New Zealand, not only snakes but nor crocodile be found.
Vitamin D does not come from the sun, but it comes from our skin. Cholesterol in our skin converted by sunlight resulting vitamin D
Human shed around 200 million skin cell each hour. Dead skin cells are main ingredient in household dust.
Frogs don’t drink water, they absorb water through their skin The amazing of god creation Allah said in Quran chapter 40 (al-Ghafir) verse 68 He is the One Who gives life and causes death. When He decrees a matter, He simply tells it, “Be!” And it is!
The brain uses energy like a 10 watt light bulb (per second), if he uses electricity like a computer, the energy required by the brain is 10 gigawatts.
reference :
Selwa Hussain, the women from London, who carries her 6kg artificial heart in a backpack contain blood pumping motor supported 2 batteries
Wanita dari London ini menggunakan jantung tiruan (pengepam darah berkuasa bateri)
Saliva contains a small amount of blood, it derived from the processed blood produced up to 2 liters per day
People who are pregnant, working out, eating sweet, salty, spicy and drinking alcohol tend to be more attractive to mosquitoes. According to Mastika Magazine, mosquitoes attracted to people who eat bananas probably because bananas contain potassium
The blood in a human body is enough to feed 1.1 million mosquitoes
Photodynamic Therapy has revealed an unexpected side effect, patients can see better at night a slight level of night vision
Scientist at Oxford University claimed, students scored higher on mental arithmetic or maths, after a course of gentle electric shocks to the brain
Pelajar terlibat mencatatkan prestasi tinggi dalam matematik
sources :
The Guardian
Qatar uses blue roads to reduce heat radiating from the asphalt
The brain continues to activate for 6-7 minutes after the heart stops, which allows it to recall past memories like a dream sequence.
Kuda Belang tidur secara berdiri Jalur hitam putih pada kuda belang, bersifat seperti cap jari pada manusia, tidak ada yang sama antara satu sama lain ‘Maha Suci Allah tidaklah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia” Ali ‘Imran 191 3:191
A stripe makes insects less disturbing to Zebras. Japanese scientists painted the same stripes on cows and found that they were 50% less disturbing than normal cows. Standing up is how zebras sleep Zebra stripes are like human fingerprints, they are not identical to each other.
Our Lord! You have not created this in vain
Ali ‘Imran 191 3:191
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