Archives for October 8, 2017

Daily Inside Thoughts 2 (October 8th)

And while people who are kind and friendly help teach you who you do want to be, those who are not kind and friendly teach you who you don’t want to be….

Whatever they did, make a pledge. Promise yourself that you’ll never treat anyone the way they treated you. This is how you become a kinder and more compassionate person. This is how you learn from their mistakes.

Daily Inside Thoughts 1 (October 8th)

Allah Maha Pengampun & Penerima taubat tetapi, Dan tidaklah taubat itu diterima Allah dari orang-orang yang mengerjakan kejahatan (yang) hingga apabila datang ajal kepada seseorang di antara mereka, (barulah) ia mengatakan : “Sesungguhnya saya bertaubat sekarang.” Dan tidak (pula diterima taubat ) orang-orang yang mati sedang mereka di dalam kekafiran. Bagi orang-orang itu telah Kami sediakan siksa yang pedih. (An Nisa’ 18)