A Good Sharing :) (28th January 2018)
Syabas! PM Dr. Siti Hamidah. Rakan seperjuangan yang hebat yang saya mula kenali dalam program CEO Faculty Programme. Pencapaian beliau hebat tetapi amat merendah diri. Saya sendiri belajar banyak perkara terutama mengenai kecantikan & kosmetik dari beliau. Tak mengapa siti sayang… Kejar akhirat, insyaAllah dunia akan turut bersamamu.
Daily Inside Thoughts (1st January 2018)
Semoga 2018 membawa lebih kebahagiaan, kegembiraan & keberkatan dari Allah swt
Daily Inside Thoughts (27th December)
An interesting article, it might resuscitate several issues from different perspectives and hoping a healthy debates from different authorities.
Daily Inside Thoughts (26th December)
Very relevant & will always be relevant, not only in the context of government management as being shared below, but also for our own heart management. When you start wishing good things & secretly pray for people who annoys you, you’ll soon be more relaxed & positive… their attitudes & whatever they do behind you is beyond your control. Wish them well, focus on the things that you can control & never doubt that Allah will take care of the rest . Positive thoughts leads to positive attitudes