Alhamdulillah, on 17 July 2019 I went to Sheraton PJ Hotel and experience new things!

First in the morning, Ir.Frankie (TUSTD,IEM), Mandy (Gamuda). Derek(Gamuda), Dr. Boon (TUSTD/Gamuda) and I myself had an interview with IEM Publisher as nominee/finalist for Young Tunneller 2019.

It was a great experience as I learned a lot from all nominee for their vast experience as practising engineers. We have a sort of discussion on what heading for us in Malaysia tunnelling industry for a few years ahead and how to solve the ‘hiccup’ of the industry now.  I really like the idea said by Derek and Mandy about ‘engineering’ the construction industry in Malaysia via a good financial system. A brilliant idea on how to manage our country and at the same time to maintain (suppose to improve, but maintaining also need for big effort) the lifelong of industry. We also have the opportunity to give feedback on Elon musk idea of the fast luxurious tunnel (can commute in luxury car in a small tunnel tube within a minutes). Some of us said it is a great idea, but some of us thought that is not necessary. I myself feel that the idea is great, but should be used for more important tasks such as to deliver patient or important thing so it becomes more beneficial for all humankind.

After lunch, I then attended the 2 days Short Course of Tunnel and Underground Space 2019. I myself shared one presentation on “Tunnel Modelling in Soft Ground: The Principle and Design”. It is honoured to be a part of the program.

From left, Ir.Frankie (TUSTD,IEM), Mandy (Gamuda). Derek(Gamuda), Dr. Boon (TUSTD/Gamuda) and I myself . 

WithIr.Dr.RiniAsnida With Dr. Ooi 

Lastly, Thank you very much to TUSTD, IEM especially Ir. Frankie and Ir. Khoo Chee Min for opportunity and hospitality. To Kak Zainun, K.Nurul and all staff of IEM that help me for this event. See you again!