Measurement Scales for Assessment and Evaluation

Previously, we use normal referenced test (ujian rujukan norma – Bell-shaped graph) to assess the students’ assessment. Now, when we move to OBE – we are hardly to get bell-shaped graph anymore. This is because formative assessment use criterion reference test. It is like measuring people’s height – most of Malaysian will be between 1.5-1.7 meters height. But it is still valid for summative evaluation (e.g final exam) to get the bell-shaped graph again.

Measurement scales Essential features Zero point Example
Nominal –
Hanya untuk nama sahaja – takde nilai nombor tersebut
Unordered categories Arbitrary (meaningless) Course code at university, postcode, jersey number, races
Ordinal –
Number ada pangkat (order)
– tidak boleh mencari nilai purata
Ordered categories Arbitrary Ribbons in a talent contest, a student’s percentile rank, Liekert Scale
Interval –
Equal units along the scale
Equal units along the scale. Arbitrary Fahrenheit, temperature
-skala yang paling banyak untuk memberi information
Equal units Absolute meaning (means tahu mana nilai 0) Kelvin temperature, disctance in kilometre.