Writing Winning Research Grant Proposals

By Prof Dr Omar bin Yaakob (Marine Technology Center) – omaryaakob@utm.my. The slides from the presentation Omar Yaakob writing winnable Research Proposal UTMKL Final

Two basic duties of lecturer; lecture and research. I am here because I want to get:

  1. The right direction in applying grants.
  2. The new strategy since its very competitive nowadays.

The objectives (OBE);

  1. Identify the various sources of research grants
  2. Differentiate the scope of MOHE, MOSTI and UTM (GUP)
  3. Explain the important aspects that need to be considered in preparting proposals.
  4. Describe the various AUN-SEEN programs especially basic requirements and proposal mechanisms of CRI/CRC projects.

Habit no 8 (For Academic Staff only) Make it a habit to apply for all Research Grants

  • “membujur lalu melintang patah” – the more you apply, the more you learn. Correction is the way of learning.
  • Always be prepared and refine when the dateline comes. Then, make writing grant as a part of our work. Once any grant open, refine it meticulously and apply it quickly.

Type of Grants 


FRGS, ERGS, PRGS, RAGS, RACE, GSPKPM – non-RU compete here.

TRGS – different field from same institution

LFGS – different field from different institution

COE – Prof Thariq, Prof Nazir, Prof.. – they got special grant from MOHE

RU – Only five RU eligible – they got special grant from MOHE (Thats why we are scared of MYRA – MYRA1 to get 100% instruments to be RU. MYRA2  — ? Then, from RU fund – go to UTM as GUP (RU Grant) – Geran Universiti Penyelidik


  • MOHE only have 20 mil for S&T. Then, only 10% for 1900 grants application for FRGS last cycle. 
  • We have 2 chance. For the first round – the writer need to improvise and do correction, then the correction will be send to MOHE for second evaluation.
  • Be meticulous in preparing proposals.

GUP (RU Grant) – RUG. Fund from MOHE for RU

  • No second chance. E.g. V0t35 – you must provide quotation and justification – please dont do technical mistakes.
  • Ensure to fulfill ALL the requirements meticulously.
  • If group – then do as groupwork – do discussion and comment. E.g. as simple as email circulation, check every single work written – especially when your group get Prof.