RMC-UTM International Relations Unit

Sila rujuk ke sini bagi mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang International Research Grant. Boleh mendaftar sekiranya berminat di google form ini. The keyword for international grants – please be more proactive and ensure the benefit and giving back research to the society.

Ms Noraziean Hashim (PP) dan Puan Siti Rahimah – boleh hubungi di internationalscouting.rmc@utm.my

Pn Rahimah berkongsi tentang peluang-peluang yang ada semasa menghadiri European Research Day (taklimat pada 27 Ogos 2019 di Universiti Malaysia). Diantaranya ialah:

  1. Euracess -thousand grants from 44 european company.
  2. Newton-Ungku Omar Fund
  3. Erasmus – hubert Curien Partnership Program.

How to build an international research network

  1. Join network – sila berhubung dengan Dr Farahadiana bagi mendapatkan khidmat nasihat tentang network UTM yang sedia ada.
  2. Attend Conference – contact speakers/presenter prior conference
  3. Communication – proactive, approach new contact. Know exactly potential collaborator needs, tolong jangan syok sendiri
  4. Realistic network – look for reachable potential collaborator – thinking of SME too
  5. Increase visibility – update website, blog, publication and citation
  6. Appropriate research – fit research with potential collaboration need, attraction to industry.

How to prepare good research proposal

  1. Interesting ideas – unique and not common
  2. Useful research output – benefits to community not only paper publication (show how we can give back to the society)
  3. Structured proposal – realistic time monetary and output – e.g caps 50K, then the bajet janganlah dekat sangat dengan 50 tu, please be more realistik.
  4. Review – proof read and peer review helps to reduce mistakes
  5. Language – appropriate language and writing style.
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About surayayaacob

Dynamic academician, researcher and consultant staying attentive to contribute more translational research for Malaysia. Enjoys creating customized plans and programs to spur more practical knowledge and innovation growth. Passion into data visualization, analytics, and complex cognitive activities. Strive to facilitate more data-driven strategic planning, decision making and analytical reasoning in the organization.